Two Managment Stories (Learn With Fun)
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Two Managment Stories (Learn With Fun)

Assistant Manager
Dear Friends,

How are you?

Please spare some time and read the below two Management stories. As usual please post your comments and advise me.

1st story

Once upon a time in an animal fair there was a competition of Milk Production.

The result was shocking for everybody because the winner has produce only 1/2-liter milk.

The other competitor asked the reason from organizer. The organizer replied," Yes! I agree you all have produced more milk than him but even though he deserve to be a winner."

The reason to announce him winner is that we have given him male buffalo and he has produce 1/2-liter milk from him without complain.

Moral of the story

Please do not think that you can not be a winner as you are not productive as others are in the company.

2nd Story.

In a poultry farm the owner announced new policy for the next day.

Dear hens we have set new SLA for tomorrow so please adhere to that and remember if you fail than company will fire you. The new SLA is "Two eggs per day per employee" and if you have any doubt and question than please ask right now. One hen asked Sir, I think it’s too much for us suddenly how you can ask us to produce double eggs per day. The manager smiled and asked is there any other hen who has similar question? None of them raised her voice and Pin drop silence was there. After two minutes manager told see if everybody is agree on this than I do not think there is any problem so we will meet tomorrow.

Next day every hen has produced two eggs except one. Manager called that hen and asked the reason for producing only one egg. The hen replied Sir; I have tried my level best to produce two eggs but failed. Actually I am a cock not a hen sir, even though I have produced one egg so please do not fire me.

Moral of the story

In big companies polices are very clear to every body and there will no discrimination. So whatever you are that’s does not matter. If you want to stay in company you have to meet the SLA.
