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EROWA presents new Robot Dynamic
EROWA has introduces new Robot Dynamic, which is a modular loadingfacility that is capable of fulfilling customer’s needs. As astand-alone version, or as extended by a linear axis at a later date,the Robot Dynamic serves up to 8 machines with work-pieces. The fastand dynamic axis drives move to the loading/unloading positions withgreat accuracy and ensure short cycle times and a high degree ofproductivity. The cell control system ensures correct processsequences.

Specifications of the EROWA Robot Dynamic: -
Transfer weight: up to 250 kg (X-axis) / up to 130 kg (X-/D-axis)
Magazine positions: up to 1200 positions
Linear axis length: up to 20 meters
Speed: up to 2m/s
Number of machines to be served: up to 8
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