Classroom Assignments As Measures Of Teaching Quality
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Classroom Assignments as Measures of Teaching Quality

Suppose you want to know what quality of education is being provided to your child and as a parent you obviously cannot be sitting right next to your child in a classroom to access the teaching process. In such a scenario classroom assignments are a crucial source for evaluating the teaching process as well as teaching quality. Sometimes the tasks assigned to a student do not comply with the grade he is enrolled into. They are either difficult or too easy.

Difficult tasks require assignment help from experts which can incur further expenditures on parents. On the contrary, easy assignments do not incur any cost or help but they add nothing valuable to the existing knowledge base of the child. Furthermore, sometimes the assignments are not challenging enough, they do not engage the student into a meaningful and thought provoking discussion. However, if the assignments are just perfect for the child which require a good research and writing skills, you can conclude that your child is in right hands and his future is not at stake. Let’s see how exactly an assignment is a source to assess teaching quality

  • Among other things assignments reflect upon the teacher’s involvement into a student, it tells a tale of how far a student has come or how much progress he has made.
  • In higher education, however, classroom assignments become case studies or dissertations. Students require case study help or help with dissertation writing for example a student may require marketing dissertation help and since we live in a technological era, all the assistance will be provided through internet. Thus, the student will be able to assess teaching quality and his progress on his own.
  • The task assigned to a student is largely based on the level of his expertise in the field, the level of grooming he has undergone in the class and what the curriculum is like. A deeper analysis of the assignments can suggest these and many other things such as the implication of the teacher towards the child, how capable does he find the student or what his expectations from him.

Classroom assignments are of utmost importance, therefore, they should be framed meticulously, adroitly and in alignment with the standards of the class. They should focus on improving the teaching learning process. Students also need to take the assignments seriously because they are like a channel through which the student is accessed and later helped.

Their responses are like a feedback to the entire process of teaching in classroom. It is a form of communication, a way to make the child accountable for himself and to indirectly asks him if he was attentive enough or how does he summarize what he was taught at the school or college. Students must answer all the tasks briefly with full honesty, he should not try to bluff the teacher into thinking that his way of teaching or quality of teaching is right when it is not.  
