Competition And Cooperation
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Competition and Cooperation

Some individuals believe that the best preparation for a lifetime is learning to be cooperative. Others imagine that learning to be competitive is the best preparation. Tell which you agree with and explain why.
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approximately 200 words on the following topic:
View on Competition and Cooperation
Cooperation and competition
both are important. They are attributes which have been equally necessary for a person to be successful in his life.
If you lived
for a farm two hundred years ago, there's a chance you're less cooperative to earn an effective life, just working hard within your fields, feeding your fowls and cows. But in modern times, people are living a growing number of cooperatively. For example, in a football match, all players on the team must work with joint efforts to be able to win the match. Such activities require teamwork. You can view workers at the assembly line doing their areas of work individually, but you can hardly go to whichever products accomplished by just one person. With the rapid progression of transportation and communication systems such as Internet, cooperation is becoming increasingly more indispensable and vital for a person to survive in this world. But competitors are also very important in modern society. An advanced entrepreneur and wish customers to purchase products, you have to compete with others. Competition stimulates individuals to improve their work and is the world develop rapidly.
Both competition and cooperation
are involved in every field of life and work. Actually in a great many activities, both are required. In particular, in learning English, we contest with each other. As a result, we all make great progress. Our study also demands teamwork. We quite often help each other by indicating each other s mistakes and exchanging ideas.
In the end advocate competition, we should not neglect cooperation. Mankind are social beings. No one can survive without help from others. Simply with both competition and cooperation could we achieve success and live in peace and harmony jointly.
Many people have an exaggerated picture
of what computers are capable of. Sometimes computers are known as ?¡ãelectric brains?¡À and this is confusion, because no computer until now built can compete with a persons brain in all respects. Yet computers are useful in many areas such as clerical word, the processing of information, design-planning, etc. Describe whatever you learn about computers.
Write a composition
approximately 200 words on the following topic:
Computers are playing
a more and more important part in society. They can do very complicated work, solve the best difficult mathematical problems and set thousands of facts in order in a short time. Since they work accurately at high speed, they save scientists years of hard work.
Computers seem indispensable
in a great many areas, such as commerce, industry, transportation, and education. Here are some examples. First, in clerical work, computers are incredibly good at handling repetitive work efficiently. For instance, in handling academic records, information regarding each student such as his name, age, courses, credits, are fed to the computer. The computer makes all the necessary calculation. Another illustration showing the same sort of process is the use of computers in banking to manage all the financial work. Secondly, we have now the use of computers in information system. Accountants and statisticians can be relieved of all dull and routine work, for the figures can be worked out and checked entirely by the machine. For instance, computers are effectively included in railway stations and airlines to promote tickets and control seat reservation. Thirdly, computers have brought about great changes in our life. To comprehend and more personal computers connected to the Internet, people could get or send whatever information that they need on the internet. Our teachers often download specifics of current events and so on for us to read. Besides, multimedia software packages are widely used in education.
Although computers work
considerably faster and much more accurately than individuals, they cannot replace human brain, for they can be operated by detailed instructions from human beings. They can never become our masters.
