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Computer for PooR ...

With mobile phone price falling and more and more technology being stuffed in a mobile. These devices have they are no more just mean of communication only. The additional features like mobile cam being embedded in cell phone, power of communication coming into hands of common people, i see as another opportunity to make much better use of the advancement technology.

When we speak about the computer education to poor section of society, well their has been work done in this regard by various concerns, but that's not having a good pace of progress, its still has a long way to go.

Well, Is there a measure by which, we can provide computer or a device that is able to function efficiently as computer.

My answer would be creativity.

Using multimedia cell phones that is having projectors inbuilt or projectors can be used as additional device, which can project the screen of a cell to large screen.
Now that we have TFT Screen,

Lets talk about most vital part of Computer that is CPU. Cell phone work as CPU its as simple that, but this time it have two more ports , one for mouse and another for keyboard. These are portable key board and mouse which can be attached to cell phone through a usb cable.

As the computing and functional power of cell phone is ever increasing. well i would say that i have computer in my hand.

well u have a cell which is working efficient as a computer.
not only its an answer to a cheap high performance computer for those who can manage mobile but not a computer.

So if u have a multimedia cell phone u have computer in your hand.

1.Its high efficient solution for Energy consumption on computer and stabilizer
which work simultaneous with computer.
2.Most portable solution.
3.Recycle solution.
4.Lowering the cost of manufacturing computer.
