Website Traffic-Search Engine Approach
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website Traffic-Search Engine Approach

Online marketing Expert

The online website business/salesdepend on the quality of traffic coming to your site. If the traffic isrelevant the business will grow no matter the traffic is low or high. In B to Bscenario people looks for and read article which are related to their productor they search for very specific keywords into search engines. The search engineplays a crucial role in generating targeted traffic.

There are various traffic buildingmethods like Search engine marketing, Search engine optimization, linkexchange, email campaigns, Social Media Marketing etc.

Search engine marketing (SEM) generate the traffic tobusiness website by placing sponsor ads on various search engines like Google,yahoo, MSN, AltaVista, looks smart etc. The sponsor ads show on differentpricing models like cost per click (cpc), cost per mile (cost per 100impressions) cost per lead/Action. The Search engine marketing method is knownas the quickest method of generating online traffic and leads. Sometimes itdepends upon the competitors. Theadvertisers who want their sale fast then they can rely on search enginemarketing. If you are in c2c business then Search engine marketing (PPC) willbe the excellent and accepted method of generating traffic. The trafficgenerated by pay per click advertising is considered to be very high andrelevant. The traffic depends on the allocated budget for your pay per clickcampaigns.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the other most accepted methodto generate relevant traffic. SEO is a free traffic generating campaign whichcomes under search engine marketing. The keywords play very crucial role for asearch engine optimization. The selected keywords for SEO should be very muchrelevant to the content of website. As the SEO listing seen on organic/ freelisting in Search engines so, here is a requirement of listing your website on fewfirst pages. This will give visibility and helps to generate traffic. Themessaging is very important it should fulfil the users query and attract him toclick on your website to see/read more. Those advertisers which have time aneed a long time branding then they can choose SEO as their marketing strategy.The optimization of website is very hard and cumbersome task. There is a requirementof dedicated SEO experts in order to get your website listed in the first fewpages of search engine. There are millions of websites launched each day by companiesor individual so there is a huge competition SEO. Only few sites are listed infirst pages and they get relevant traffic and leads. Also I want to call SEOwork as a work of deep patience where the SEO people work for months in orderto get your site listed in search engines. The search engine crawlers playsimportant role in listing. If your content is original and very specific toyour website then definitely the crawlers will show you website in the listing.

Link exchange is another internet marketingcampaign in which we exchange the hyperlinks with a quality site that issomehow related to our company’s services and products. For example a php developer site will exchangetheir links with a site which is related to PHP, SQL, and LAMP etc. When youexchange your website link/ landing page link with an already high Page rank (PR)then there are good chances of your site to attain high PR soon. Good Linkexchange vendors can help you to increase your website’s page rank andautomatically targeted traffic. But at the contrary bad or wrong linkexchanging may also harm your page rank. So here there is need of continuousresearch and finding right website with which we can exchange our link.

Email Campaigns is also a very potential channel tobring targeted traffic to your site. In Email campaigns first you collect theemail addresses of your potential and targeted customers (this can be doneeither by search on net or by purchasing from third party) after that you sendyour newsletters regarding your offers, programs, and promotions. Although theconversion rate in Email campaign is very low, but for the companies havinglots of good offers and good list of loyal visitors, I think email campaign isimportant channel. In my opinion email campaigns can create succeed stories forB2B advertisers. For a B2B advertiser the email marketing may play vital role asretention tool. According to a recent Forrester Research study, email hasreached almost universal penetration, with 97 percent of consumers and 94percent of marketers using the channel. So the email campaigns are verypotential to bring targeted visitors to your site.

Social Media Marketing is utilizing social networking anduser-generated content platforms to promote a product, service or content.There are lots of popular social networking sites like orkut, LinkedIn, hi5, MySpace,jigsaw etc where advertisers create their profiles and communities to discusstheir products and services. Social media marketing (SMM) knows the youngestchannel of online media. This channel is still its growing face but now marketersand advertisers started promoting this channel. When we create community orforum on any social network site then we adds people around us to join and todiscuss the product and services. In this way we are expanding our communityand at the same time we are advertising and our product and service by word ofmouth. Social media is very potential source for branding your product andgetting feedback about the product. The popularity of Social media can weproved by JupiterResearch poll. According to the pool in year 2007, 38% wereplanned to use social media which increased to 48% by 2007. The social medianeed to be taken care at each level. Like when we post some article related toour product/service, we need to be very much aware about the product and readyto reply the user’s feedback. This will create a long term loyalty and theright and targeted traffic will definitely increase to the website.

There is a need to give equalattention to all channels in order to get targeted traffic to your website.However the original and fresh content helps to return the visitor which helpsin reducing bounce rate. Keeping fresh and relevant content will always helpsin increasing traffic, because if someone like the content then he might referor pass the link to his friends which will automatically increase the traffic.
