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DB2 Certification

A few days training and a stressfull test. All gave me an IBM DB2 associate certificate. What a relief at last!!I would like to share my experiences with the software. BTW m still learning a hell lot of things in it.
DB2 is a database handling software that helps in maintaining large databases. I learned its express-c edition which is available in market free of cost but the most eye catching was the everyplace edition that works on mobile phones. I did'nt get the chance to work on it but soon I will.The installation process though was simple yet hectic. Lots of errors.Command center, configuration assistant, task center, journals, health center, sql assist were all easy to understand. It was very much comfortable to build the sql statements on sql assist with a GUI interface. Express-c edition comes with a pure XML add-on feature. The XML datatype helps in including the XML files in a database. XML files have user defined tags which is where they differ from HTML files where the tags are pre-defined. XML files mainly find their use in transportation and storage of data.Working on sql queries was not new but that on xqueries was a new experience.
Three cheers for IBM for making us, the "UPTU's ruined geniuses", understand such a software. DB2 9.7 "VIPER2" is what I m looking ahead for.
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