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According to swami vishnu devananda, meditation is "….a continuous flow of perception or thought, just like the flow of water in a river." a practice wherein there is constant observation of the mind, meditation brings awareness, harmony and natural order into life. it helps you dig deep into your inner self to discover the wisdom and tranquility that lie within.

Principles of meditation

the basic points to be kept in mind in practicing meditation are :

have a special place and specific time for meditation. try doing it daily.

choose a time when your mind is not clouded with worries.

sit up straight with your back, neck and head in one line. facing north or east.

condition your mind such so as to remain quiet for the duration of your meditation session.

regulate your breathing. start with 5 minutes of deep breathing. then gradually slow it down.

follow a rhythmic breathing pattern - inhale and exhale.

initially let your mind wander. it grows more restless if you force to concentrate.

then slowly bring it to rest on the focal point of your choice.

hold your object of concentration at this focal point throughout your session.

meditation happens when you reach a state of pure thought. even while retaining an awareness of duel self.

followed diligently you will soon be able to attain a super-conscious state.

Tips on concentration

at the outset, it is hard to keep your attention to keep focussed on one object.

so it is better to start off by limiting your field of concentration to a category of objects.

choose your objects with care e.g. any four flowers, fruits, trees...etc. you must feel at ease with what you choose.

after concentrating on one, you can move on to the next, if & when your mind starts wandering.

this style of meditative exercise will help you control your mind down to a finer focus, teaching you the principle

of single point concentration
