The Quickest & Easiest Way To Improve Your Child'S Sleep
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The Quickest & Easiest Way to Improve Your Child's Sleep

It is essential not only for a child to get a good night sleep but, also for the parents. It is important for a child’s health to get a consistent and quality sleep regularly. Parents are often very cautious about the child’s health and hygiene. They spend an ample amount of time with doctors if a child is sick or for building excellent hygiene habits of bathing and brushing. But we are not concern about the sound sleep of a child. Sound sleep plays a vital role in a child’s development and healthy growth. Proper sleep can prevent a lot of diseases in the future. As a parent, it is your duty to ensure that your child is getting better sleep. We will look into some tips which will ensure you to improve your child’s sleep drastically.

1. Creating a Regular Pattern for Bedtime

Establishing a fixed and regular pattern is essential for a child for normal and healthy sleep. It requires a steady schedule. This routine should be relaxed and smooth which will encourage a child to sleep. The routine should be carried out in the child’s bedroom and should take place 15-30 minutes before everyday bedtime. Give your children a buffering time while waking up from the bed. If you want your child to become awake at 7.30 am then keep the wake-up time in between 7:15-7:30 am.

The Quickest & Easiest Way to Improve Your Child's Sleep

2. Know The Exact Amount of Sleep Your Child Need

Always remember a child need more sleep than any other average people. Irritability and hyperactivity can be a problem for a child with irregular sleeping patterns. Some children might need more time than any other. Just be cautious whether your child is active and alert in the morning. If so then you need not to worry about it. If you still have a question about how much sleep a child needs then you should discuss with your child’s specialist and get a clear concept based on some medical tests.

The core concept gives your child the freedom to sleep. Kids might face some trouble of shifting the brain’s activity at night. Do not put pressure asserting to manage the time to sleep. Focus on the idea of relaxation and calming your child’s down.

3. Create a Relax Bedroom Environment

The Quickest & Easiest Way to Improve Your Child's Sleep

Your bedroom should be comfortable for sleeping. It should be peaceful and calm with a low light environment. A quiet and dim light is essential for a sound sleep. If your child is scared about dark, then place a dim light in his bedroom. Avoid placing the TV, PC or any other electrical gadgets in the bedroom. Make it a healthy habit for your children. If you have some electric devices in the bedroom, try to turn it off one hour before bedtime.

Bedroom temperature must be cool and sleep-friendly. Recommended temperature for the children is 65°F-70°F. Don’t make the room temperature too much cold or too much high. Typical or little cooler temperature is the optimum temperature to sleep.

4. Healthy Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet is the prerequisite of good night sleep. Provide a healthy meal in a reasonable time for your child so that he could have time to start digest. Don’t give too much oily food at dinner. It might make your child uncomfortable during his sleep. Healthy breakfast is also essential to start the day at the right time with proper nutrition.

Always ensure your child gets the right amount of food at the right time. This will help your child to balance the eat and sleep perfectly. High-fat foods, junk foods, a lot of sugar can disrupt a child’s sleep cycle. As a parent, you should also carefully look at the amount of liquid intake before bedtime. It might lead to a bathroom break and can shake up your child in night terrors.

5. Physical Exercise

A good and sound physical exercise will give your child a comfortable sleep. Ensure your child gets proper exercise and play to burn the calories. This will make your child tired and help him to get into sleep easily.

Never choose any exercise or physical activities close to bedtime. This might lead to sleep onset insomnia. Medically, exercise should be done two or three hours before bedtime.

6. Help in Fears

Children sometimes feel scared about going to bed or being left alone in the dark. You can always praise and encourage him how brave he/she is. Avoid watching horror movies or TV shows before bedtime. Some children might feel safe if they have a light turned on at his room. You may put some light in the hallway or leave the door open in your child's and in your room.

Fear for dark is perfectly okay for a child. Do not scold him. Give him ample support and courage so that he feels safe that his parents are with him and have a sound sleep. Always encourage him/her that he is brave.

7. Avoid daytime Sleeping

If your child develops a short nap in the day time. Try to discourage it. It will lead to a late night sleeping habit. If older children get proper sleep in the night, then he does not need a daytime nap. Make the night time sleeping his priority

Always stick to the routine you have developed for your child. Never compromise on that. It is never too late to create a healthy sleep habit. It will make him disciplined and will create a lifetime of good habit.

8. Reduce The Focus

Some children might find it difficult to shut their eyes at night. Never tell them they are going to sleep. That will create some anxiety in their brain. Instead of doing that consider focusing on more ideas about relaxation.

You could tell some bedtime stories or some bedtime song to help your child get into sleep easily. It will make him relax, enjoy the time and calm your child’s body and mind.

9. Relax is the Key

Assist your child to get relax and help them to convert anxiety to calm. You can use Epsom salt in his bathing which will make his body relax. You can spray some air freshener or lavender to give him some soothing smell. Try practice some meditation.

The Quickest & Easiest Way to Improve Your Child's Sleep

If your child has some snoring problem or some pauses in his breathing during sleep. Discuss with your child’s specialist. If any of the tips do not work in your child, then you should consult with the doctors immediately


Do not force your child to go to sleep frequently. You could always make him understand the logic behind regularly scheduled sleep. Discourage your child using any electronic gadgets before sleep time. Prevent any kind of gaming before bedtime. It will make adrenaline rush in your child’s body that will result in late sleep. Sleeping is a part of a lifestyle which varies from family to family. Never impose anything by following others. Try to create your own family sleep-routine.


About the author:

Vicky is a Food & Lifestyle Blogger at AvocadoPesto, where she specializes in healthy living and healthy cooking. She is also a world traveler and has visited over 60 countries.
