Are You Thinking Of Doing A Career Course?
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Are you thinking of doing a career course?

I was thinking of doing a career course, as I was bored of my current BPO job. I spoke to few of my friends and they suggested me dime a dozen courses on different domains.

I browsed through the net and fortunately I clicked on the following link

I went through the site and it was pretty impressive. Before going through siliconindia’s courses I never had an idea of doing an online course.

Why I selected an online course over a traditional classroom course? Few reasons are listed below, which we all know but doesn’t think about.

1. In traditional classrooms we will get to listen the lecture only once but here we can rewind it and see till the time we understands it.
2. We can learn whenever we like. We can learn for 10 mins to 10 hrs on a day. Since the materials are available 24x7x360 days, we don't have to wait for the instructors to come as we do in the traditional classrooms.
3. We can meet people from different part of the world with different educational & professional background. For instance we will get the chance to meet people working for WIPROs, Infosys, IBMs and people from US, Canada, UK etc.
4. If we have a doubt we can reach out to all our classmates and the instructors by sending a single message. The instructors will be available 12hrs a day from morning 9am to evening 9pm
5. The best part is we can save lot of time and money. We can learn it from where ever we like. Need not to travel to the institution we can sit at home and learn.
6. As they have prerecorded video lectures and textual notes there is no fear of missing classes.

The above are just the benefits of siliconindia online course.

Well talking about the course and teaching methodology; to be frank I have never enjoyed learning so much in my lifetime.

The courses are designed by industry stalwarts. The curriculum is up-to-date since they are associated with lot of MNCs across the globe. These companies, who are associated with siliconindia, are filling their requirements only through siliconindia. So the people doing the course with siliconindia are in huge demand. Companies are waiting to hire the siliconindia certified professionals.

The instructors are people who have served companies like Microsoft, WIPRO, CISCO, Infosys etc. for more than a decade.

So I suggest if you are planning to do a career course, don’t think twice, just do it through siliconindia. You will learn stuffs there. Just check out the following link for more details
