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Battery News: Apple's 'Batterygate' end-game: Do nothing? ‘Batterygate’ continues, even after the battery fix update of iOS 5 ...more>>
7+3 Neat Tips to Enhance Laptop Battery Life by When I bought my laptop, the primary reason I chose it over a d ...more>>
iOS 5 Battery Life Fix Coming Soon Apple confirmed some users are experiencing “lower than expected battery life on iOS 5 devices&rdq ...more>>
Top Best 5 Laptops, Choose You Want To Buy The most common question we get around here is simple: "What laptop should I buy?" Of cours ...more>>
Qantas begins iPad trials for Wi-Fi movie streaming by Qantas will begin trials of Apple’s iPad fo ...more>>
Asus launches Zenbook Ultra-Thin laptop, Guided by Four Key Principles Let the ultrabook wars begin! Hot on the heels of  ...more>>
New Ideas Of One-to-One Student Laptop Program Transforms Learning Staying abreast of educational technologies that allow students and ...more>>
Digital Business Card Apps Tested: The Future Is Not Quite Ready Do you have your business card on you? Do you have your phone with you? No ...more>>
Why Tablets will Never Fully Replace Laptops by There are an astounding number of reasons why tablets are nev ...more>>
What Every Windows PC User Ought to Know About 15 Things Whether you're a grizzled tech veteran or an uninitiated newbie, ...more>>
How to Know if a Website is Safe Shopping online is a growing fad and there are hundreds of sites that sell virtually everything under the ...more>>
New Pandora Unleashes Redesigned Music Player Removal Listening Cap Popular Internet radio service Pandora has unleashed a comp ...more>>
Increase your Battery Life, "Change Advance Power Settings" There’s nothing more annoying than digging out your laptop to do some i ...more>>
Top 11 Android apps to boost speed, batteries life and more The mobile operating system Android for phones and t ...more>>
AMD Bulldozer FX pricing revealed: a lot cheaper than Sandy Bridge After last week’s news that AMD would be releasing the ...more>>
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