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Latest postings by Vijay Kumar Sinha

The recent communal pogrom unleashed by Bangladeshi immigrants in the Bodo tribal areas is bleak reminder  to the fact how the weak &am ...more>>
Now Mayawati has been let off by Supreme Court. A couple of years ago Laloo had got the relief despite the director having said on record th ...more>>
The Union Home Minister Chidambram has underlined two facts one is that the terror-mastermind Jundal was radicalized in India and another is ...more>>
About a dozen of petitions were e-mailed to Shri Vinod Rai. But he took no action against some corrupt I.A&A.S officers. S.B Pillay repo ...more>>
I fail to understand why too much hoopla and hullabaloo explode when Shahrukh Khan is detained, frisked, searched and interrogated by USA in ...more>>
Today mediocrity has set in the higher judiciary. We seldom find today the classic masterpieces laid down by erudite judges of the yore. The ...more>>
Anna-team outbursts against politicians are justified. I personally do not subscribe to the Anna’s draft of Jan Lokpal Bill in toto. R ...more>>
           According to a Planning Commission report the new poverty line defined by the UPA II government on ...more>>
It is great news that the crippling disease Polio has been eradicated from India. Now we should guard ourselves from the influx of the Pak ...more>>
Salman khurshid is the Law Minister of India who takes pride in breaking law. In the wake of his indictment by the constitutional Authority ...more>>
General V.K. Singh was blackmailed into accepting his D.O.B as 1950 on the Govt.’s offer of promotion to the post of the Chief of the ...more>>
Utter disregard for Chief Commissioner’s orders  Reply     Dr. Vijay Kumar Sinha to s.mis ...more>>
If recent orders of the present CIC Mr. Mishra are studied one thing crosses the mind that he has limited the role of the transparency watch ...more>>
Sir B.N Rau ICS who drafted the Constitution of India had never imagined that politics of intrigues, perfidy and deceptions would come into ...more>>
Thousands of tons of wheat have rotten in a Begusarai govt godown in Bihar juxtaposed with the starving crores. Even the Supreme Court had d ...more>>
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