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Latest postings by Frank Martin

The stock market is volatile. Sometimes it is more volatile than others. I think it is safe to assume the stock market will be more vola ...more>>
The best way to seek the solution of any problem is to known what the exact problem is. Herethe case of your standalone PC where you are u ...more>>
The best way to seek the solution of any problem is to get known what the exact problem is. Here the case of your standalone PC and where yo ...more>>
Tip 1: Skip a Restaurant Meal at least Once a Day As we begin to plan summer getaways, let's think about ways we can sav ...more>>
Black Hat search engine optimization is customarily defined as techniques that are used to get higher search rankings in an unethical mann ...more>>
Futures options are an excellent way to trade the futures markets. Many new traders start by trading futures options instead of straight ...more>>
Definition: A call option is a type of option on Futures. It gives you the right to purchase a futures contract at a designated strike pr ...more>>
A long covered put is an options strategy that is used an insurance for an already existing trade. The trader buys stock, and then buys a ...more>>
Info  PR: n/a &n ...more>>
After you've narrowed your focus to a handful of companies, continue your research efforts by reviewing a few factors for each company. Fin ...more>>
Buying High, Selling Low Buy low and sell high is the ultimate guide to successful stock investing. It is also the reverse of what many inv ...more>>
Investing in stocks is a risky business. There are some risks you have some control over and others that you can only guard against. Thoug ...more>>
Stock splits may seem like a gift to some investors, but there is little evidence that you benefit in any meaningful way when a company spl ...more>>
During this crisis, access to funding is a problem because banks are in desperate need of capital and can’t take risks that in ordina ...more>>
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