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Latest postings by Manjunath Narayan

Traditional leaders see the employee-boss relationship as a transaction: money in exchange for labor. Transformational leaders know and reco ...more>>
NAIL IN THE FENCE I thank my father for his priceless wisdom for teaching me in the form of below story, which i believe is a great lesson ...more>>
SOFT SKILLS ARE IMPORTANT THOUGH DIFFICULT TO LEARN AND MASTER One can master writing a code in a particular computer language, one can ...more>>
Anger: Meaning It is an emotion of Annoyance Irritation Fury Rage opposition Resentment enragement Maddening Degrees ...more>>
THE BPO INDUSTRY The BPO Industry Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the delegation of one or more IT-intensive business p ...more>>
A) Lagaan: Facing challenges, skill and unskilled team management, over confidence, Team building, Family involvement, Willingness to win, D ...more>>