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Latest postings by Richard Frederick Thieme

The number isn’t important, friends have been saying when I talk about a looming important birthday. Some say, age is only a state of ...more>>
Thirty years ago the first email message marked the birth of the Internet, so members of our extended family are sharing memories of our di ...more>>
When Carl Jung was an old man, the fifteen-year-old daughter of a friend asked, "Dr. Jung, could you please tell me the shortest path to my ...more>>
Flesh   “I am obsessed with the body,” Isabel Letelier said. “I turned from painting to sculpture because I needed ...more>>
Book Review: A Tale of Two Sciences: Memoirs of a Dissident Scientist by Peter A. Sturrock (Exoscience: Palo Alto) 2009.   by Rich ...more>>
I confess: I'm a right-brain guy in a left-brain world. Images and visions are more real to me than abstractions, I see the future more easi ...more>>
There comes a point in our deepest thinking at which the framework of our thinking itself begins to wrinkle and slide into the dark. We see ...more>>
It was only after whistleblowers came out of the closet during the Great Deflation that Time Magazine honored the practice of what team play ...more>>
When we come to a new place or enter a new environment, the landscape looks all of a piece, and we have to learn how to see it in depth and ...more>>
We’ve all had the experience by now. Someone next to us – in this case, the lady on the treadmill at the fitness center – ...more>>
Once upon a time in the sixties, I published a short story in Analog Science Fiction about a man who invented a virtual reality machine and ...more>>
  Some things are so obvious they are invisible. Prophets see them, prophets like Marshall McLuhan who lived between two eras and had ...more>>
James Jesus Angleton embodied the inevitable trajectory of a person committed to counterintelligence. Maybe he got a little crazy at the end ...more>>
If any column is about “the human dimension of technology,” it’s this one. During one fateful week, a few years ago, my be ...more>>
This is how the Internet works:  Somebody in Kentucky finds one of my columns and asks to reprint it in a newsletter. Our email exchan ...more>>
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