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Latest postings by Prof Jyotsna Sawhney

Service Learning Stimulates the Brain. by Elaine B. Johnson The latest results of brain research support the value of an educational st ...more>>
Our handwriting is the reflection of your attributes - personal, academic & amp; others. GRAPHOLOGY is a scientific study and analysis o ...more>>
Blog: An Effective Corporate, PR & Public Communication Tool?How Public relations can find Blogs an effective media to connect socially ...more>>
With technology leaping boundlessly & people becoming brutly tech-savvy, 'Cyber Dating' is the safest, fastest & trendiest bet in ...more>>
There are many biological causes of clinical depression. 'Brain has been studied extensively to understand the chronology of brain functio ...more>>
The word 'stress' is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as "a state of affair involving demand on physical or mental energy". A condition or ...more>>