Elemental thinking
Each Life carries Elemental-Thinking with its Bio-brains. It depends how the Bio-brains frame Elemental-Thinking-configurations and their Symbols, Symbolisms and Symbolizing-patterns to define Variability, Mobility, Variations with Bodies (Abstracts and Non-Abstracts), Mobilizations and Mobilizing-forces with Bodies. The Elementals gradually confine Thinking and Thinking-transients within Elemental-conceptualizations. Thereby the Bio-brains feel whatever per Conceptualizations and Concepts as ‘Only Truth’, and all other Elemental-Conceptualizations, if not false and farce then nearer to them. The Bio-brains develop Confinements and Compartmentalizations as Trueances and Construeances, whereas whatever has been developing is Untrue and Misleading Maayaa, wherein Maayaa is an intoxicated state of Bio-brains and addicted Bio-minds. What is required is the Bio-brains should be free from conceptualizations and effects of Conceptualizations of symbols and symbolisms, and is made capable of keeping the Inner and Bio-minds free. The Network of symbolizing and constitutional configurations of symbols should function as sub-servant and not as master over the Bio-brains. But factuality is different. The Concepts and Conceptualizations make Bio-brains, Faculties of Bio-brains, Thinking and Thinking-transients ‘Slave and Subservient’.
The Shaktee is ever and eternally functional. Shaktee is never volatile and aggressive but mostly is silently functional and operational, except for a few occasions wherein it has to work and act violently and aggressively to correct its path of movements and patterns of Variability cum Mobility. Instead what Lifeforms sense through their Sensory-systems, via their Senses with their Bodies, are only Byproducts of Functionalities of Shaktee. Current positions and Currencies of Shaktee is only an estimated and visualized ones, which may have impinges and effects of Conceptualizations with observing Bio-brains and Bio-minds. Along with Current positions and Currencies that are being observed, Residual-Shaktee too is also present, visualized as Energies, and termed Life-energy with Life and Urjaa with Lifeforms.
All Life carries Residual-Shaktee as Life-energy, along with Matter-energy as Shareera and Material-energy as Bodies. Urjaa is too present with Lifeforms, and have different and differing degrees of activating. The Shareera is Operational-Residual of Shaktee. The Bodies are Residual-Operational-Vehicles as Operational cum Functional facilities with Residues of Operavities and Operativities with Shaktee.
The Phenomenon is distinctly visible through Senses with Free-Bio-brains via Conceptualizations-free Bio-minds which controls and guide Sensory-systems with Bodies while they are observing and collecting ‘Information’. Some Time-elements are required to observe and to collect ‘Information’ and then to pass over the ‘Information’ to Bio-minds. The Bio-minds themselves take some Time-elements to analyze and to synthesize the Information per Knowledge with it, and then to arrange Feedbacks to Bio-brains. The Bio-brains receive Information, duly analyzed and synthesized, and take some more Time-elementals to frame guiding instructions and measures. Instructions and Measures with Guidance are forwarded to Operational-controller of Biological-systems and command centers of Bio-systems therein. The Bi-Operational-functionality, receiving and delivering of Information, is visible to others via Workings and Movements of Bodies. Observing cum Visibility are Clear and Uncontaminated with Concepts-free and Conceptualization-free Bio-minds and Free-Bio-brains. All that is seen and observed are only Elements and Elementals, totally unrelated with Life-energy and Inner but partially related with Shareera and Bodies.
But Factual-positions with Lifeforms differ. No Bio-brains is Free and No Bio-minds is Conceptualization-free. What is Factual is Degree of Conceptualizations and Intensities of Life-energy to work and to operate within Conceptual-confinements and exert to free operating and functional Inners, which are Operational-Residuals of Shaktee, from Conceptualizations and Confining-forces with them.
The Conceptualizations, being uncontaminated and pure, cause to observe Languaging-techniques, Languaging-purposes, and Languaging that come forth with Languages from Surroundings and Surrounding-environments. With such ‘Acquirements’ the Bio-minds and the Bio-brains peep through Coverings with Languaging and penetrate Surroundings and Surrounding Environments. The ‘Purposes’ with such Pairings of Bio-brains and Bio-minds are to learn and to explore Ways and Means to promote continuances of Life and manage maintenances of Continuances of Life, keeping them free from Aasaktee, Viraktee, Sentiments, Attachments, Detachments, and Sentimentalisms etc, and keep them independent of their effects over Operating of Shareera and Operativities of Bodies. Alternatively the Pairings of Bio-brains and Bio-minds are with Holistic-Aasaktee and Holistic-Viraktee. The Pairings are immune but are functional being within Non-immunized and contaminated surrounding environments. The Coverings of being Immune are Encapsulators and Surroundings are Enclosures.
But all Lifeforms are not with such
Pairings of Bio-brains and Bio-minds. Moreover they may have acquired
Misconceived Defining and Definitions of Pairings of Holistic-Aasaktee and
Holistic-Viraktee and Operability of them as Pairs and as Individuals. Such
Misconceiving causes developments of either Single-tracking Thinking-processes
or Multi-tracking Thought-processing-processes which mostly misguide and
mislead Operavities with operating Bio-brains. The universal need and
requirements of Bi-tracking Thinking-processes and Bi-tracking
Thought-processing with Bio-brains are absent. Thereby the communicating and
communications are made ineffective and Sentimentalisms are implanted with
Bio-minds. Other ugly and damaging factors germinate via Sentimentalisms, and
surface as Selfishness, Envies, and Hatreds, etc. etc. which make Urjaa with
Bio-brains a damaging elements, the
Defining of Constitution of Lifeforms is easy and tough too. Being free from all sorts of Conceptualizations and Concepts, the understanding of Constitution of Lifeforms becomes easy and simple. Being dependent over Concepts and Conceptualizations, the understanding of Constitution of Lifeforms becomes tough and complex. The Constitution is simple and straight but differing varieties of Elementals of Conceptualizations and Elements of Concepts paints ‘Simplicities’ as ‘Complexities’, and turns ‘Simplicity and Easiness of Constitution’ into ‘Toughness’. Then Puzzles become Problems. Anxieties to solve Puzzles orient and turn into Attacking or Running away from Problems.
The Simple form of Constitution is Quadruple. Quadruple is framed by Residual-Shaktee, which is Life-energy, as Aatmaa and Jeeva. The Jeeva fractionalizes itself as Fractionalized-Jeeva to learn Surroundings and understand Behavioral of Surroundings. The Operational Jeeva is Inner and the Operating Fractionalized-Jeeva is Shareera. Bios and Biological-configurations are Bodies that serve as Vehicles. The Vehicles develop various and varieties of measurements and measuring standards as Languages. The Processes of developing of Languages is Languaging. The Languaging may be free from Conceptualizations and Concepts, or may be otherwise per Surroundings and Languages with Surroundings.