Kriyaa-Yoga And Karm-Yoga With Their Factual Practicability
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Kriyaa-yoga and Karm-yoga with their factual Practicability

Brains are operational and functional as Bio-machines that can think, program and plan. But this aspect is feasible with Brains being without Biasing, Obsessions, and Prejudices, and are operational cum functional only with Obesions.

All Brains acquire Tracks of Functionalities and Formats of Operating during learning processes in Infancies. They develop Operavities and Operativities which guide Thinking-processes and lead Thinking-functionalities being within Brains, as Controller cum Minds, and Operators cum Navigators. The Brains being without Biasing, Prejudices, Obsessions, Egos etc. etc. develop Trueances and Construeances for Bio-machines which are perceptible through Perceptions and Perspectives with Thinking-faculties.

The Tracks are Learning of Infant Bio-brains, during Infancies within Mother’s womb and thereafter. Tracks are also of Remembering of Operative-formatting and Operational-forms. The Equipped Bio-brains read Environmental Behavioral Around and develops Readings as Memories. Thereon Effects of Biasing and Obsessions etc. etc. or Freedoms and Independencies of Functioning of Bio-brains as Minds take control of Thinking-faculties.

Normally Bio-brains Read, Think, Vary Tracks, Assess Varying-processes and Act. Bio-brains take everything around as Puzzles and exert to solve and tackle Situations and Conditionalities. But this is true only with Free and Independent Bio-brains that are with Self-reliance and Self-confidence, and are with Faiths. In case of otherwise Bio-brains do Reading of Tracks, Cutting of Tracks, Copying of Trackking and Track-formatting and Formatting to Act per Tracks per Memories. Such Bio-brains react, and feel each Situations, Conditionalities, Changes etc. etc. as only Problems. The Brains become Difficulty-infected and compartmentalized. The Brains become prey of Failures and develop Sentimentalisms as Centralized-motoring-systems with Senses and Sensory-systems. The Senses fail to receive Factuality with Changing Times and Conditionalities.

The two types of Bio-brains operate and function with altogether different and mostly apposite Directivities and Directions. The Free-Ones work with Currencies with Times and remain with Current-Time-Platform(s). Memories with such Brains are tools only to support adjudging and judging processes but never are Adjudge and Judge of Happenings and Events. The Non-Free-Ones remain engrossed with Happenings and Events of Gone-Times and phased out Time-Platforms. Memoires with such Brains are Judge and Adjudge of Current Happenings and Events. Sentimentalisms override Non-Free-Brains. Sentimentalisms absent Free-Brains.

Sentimentalisms with Bio-brains mechanize the Operating and Functioning of Faculties of Brains. The Brains feel everyone practically either ‘as Foe’ or ‘as Friend’. Factually a very few are ‘Foe’ or ‘Friend’, and therein numbers of Friend is much more than numbers of Foes. But sentimenatlized Bio-brains feel otherwise.

As a Fact, none is ‘Friend’ or ‘Foe’, as felt by Minds governed per Sentiments with Brains. Except a very few relations like ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ to their Kids and Relations of Both ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ through their Kids, all relations belong to category of ‘Neither Being Foe nor with True-Friendships’. All Relations are impartial and concurrent in that sense. Every one is working through their might, beint neither Friend nor Foe, but only as an Executor to survive and to exist to do the Work and Duties assigned by the Nature and Prakritee. Thinking of Environments around neither as Friend nor as Foe enables Thinking-Faculties with Bio-brains to operate and to function normally, and take Odds as Tough-Puzzles, and Evens as Light-Puzzles to show something additional unknown so far.

But that does not mean absence of Love with its Trueances and Construeances that exist with all Realtions but is unique while being from ‘Mother to Kids’ and ‘Father to Kids’. The Love is a Sexless, Demandless, and Sacrificing Entity with all Lifekinds. The Prakritee is visual cum perceptible Entity of Love which is sacrificing and demandless, is sexless but caring and nourishing, and further is beautiful and charming as Nature that coaxes Lifekinds to be functional and operational unceasingly and consistently.

The Kriyaa-yoga is Unique-Perspective with Nature that outflows as Trueances and Construeances with Karm-yoga of Prakritee. The Lifekinds, if they are free from Egos and Egoisms and are self-dependent and assisting as friends to all other Lifekinds, sees through Nature the Functionalities and Operatings of Kriyaa-yoga, and peeps into Operations, Operating, Operavities and Operativities with Prakritee as Perceptible Karma-yoga. The Kriyaa-yoga and Karma-yoga, both, are Selfless and free of Selfdoms.

The Prakrite is Donor-Supreme whereas Nature is Donor-General. Likekinds are Receivers and Donors too. The Receiving-functionalities are perceptible during Infancies of Lifekinds. The Functional-Receivng and Operational-Donating are visible through young age and adult ages with Lifekinds via their young and adult Bodies, their Body-Languages and Languaging with Languages. The Donating-operavities and Donating-operativities are seen with Lifekinds who are with aging and old Bodies. These all aspects are visible, perceptible, and seen as Scenarios and Guiding-platforms by Lifekinds, only and only if Lifekinds are Self-dependent, Self-reliant, and assisting to all Lifekinds, are are free of Selfishness and Selfdoms, and independent of Egos and Egosisms around with Selfish Lifekinds via their Selfdoms.

Another Operational-functionalities of confining and containing of Lifekinds with Selfishenss and their Selfdoms is also an integral part of Kriyaa-yoga with Prakritee and Karma-yoga with Nature. Neither Prakritee questions Nature and never Nature objects to Prakritee, since both are non-separable and integral with each other.
