Our Brains And The Inner With Us
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Our Brains and the Inner with us

The ‘Obessions’ are misleading factorials with Bio-brains that mislead Thinking-transients with Bio-minds. The Effects of the Obessions causes Biasings with Bio-minds and Prejudices with Bio-brains. The Phenomenon leads Bio-energies to appose Urjaa with Inners to learn and understand Currencies with Time-platforms, and Pairings of Variability and Mobility with Samaya. The Outcome is destructively disasterous. The Individual Body, the Individual Brains, and the Individual Minds, through are Innocents of the Phenomenon, but due ‘Ignorings of Currencies with Time-platforms’ become subjects of Onslaughts of Destructivity and Holocausts.

The ‘Obessions’ disturb ‘Orders of Priorities’ with Bio-brains and Bio-minds. Bio-minds apply Bio-energies and all other Energies to the Elementals of Obessions, and along side Bio-brains create ‘Applications for Urjaa’ that can be accorded next or next to next priority to the Elementals. The Bio-brains feel Time-platforms either Gigantically Infinite or Micronizingly Narrow. The Bio-minds adjudge Currencies with Times as ‘Slow’ or as ‘Fast’ through the Measures of Times do not vary and are consistent within a ‘Cycle of Samaya’.

With Prejudicial Bio-brains and Biased Bio-minds, the Individual, may be a person or group of persons as society, may be a Cultural mass as Nation or Group of Nations, or any other configurations which may be possible within ‘Cycle with Samaya’, disorient Mass-psyches towards Destructivity. The Destructivity confines Thinking-transients and compartmentalize Thoughts with Brains which leads to Isolating-tendencies and Seperating-apptitudes with Bio-brains and Bio-minds, and makes Bio-brains Consummative and Bio-minds a Consumer, with Consummations and Consuming as Priority-One. The Love, which is Natural and Eternal Elementals with all Lifekinds, gets flooded with Longings and engulfed with Lusts to satisfy and feed Sesnes and Sensory-systems with Bodies. Aasaktee dominates the Domains with Thinking-transients of Thought-processing and of Thoughts.

But ‘Cycles with Samaya’ develop and create differing and different Times and Time-domains, that causes differing Measurements and Measuring-techniques. The Standards also vary and change.
