Samaya, Times, And Time-Platforms
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Samaya, Times, and Time-platforms

Mass-psyches are Unique but have differences per Species of Lifekinds. Mass-psyches with Humans differ with Mass-psyches of Animals, differ with Mass-psyches of Birds, differ with mass-psyches of Reptiles, and so on and so on. The Phenomenon of Differing per Species continues with Sub-species with particular Species, and so on and so on.

Though we can see and observe the Phenomenon with Humans more clearly and explaining, and much more explicitly if all are functional through only one Language, since Languaging differs with Parentages. With differing Languages, and differing Languagings which are Natural, the Phenomenon becomes more complicated and difficult but is recognizable and traceable, being only with same type of Human-specie. Since Animals too belong to different and differing Species, but are similar as Humans within same Specie, the Phenomenon becomes tougher to understand and to adjudge and judge.

The Phenomenon causes Confusions among Words, Expressions, and their Meanings. This puzzles Bio-brains. This is a Puzzle with BRAINS and Prakritee.

The most disastrous Confusions is among Meanings of Samaya, Times, and Time-platforms. The Confusions unify them into one Expression, that appears off and on to express differences among Samaya, Times, and Time-plat-forms, and their Meanings too. Even if wrong-meaning is considered as meaning the Confusions increase and develop Grounds and Reasons for Conflicts, and even to the extent of Wars and Disasters.

The Time is one for a Group which is free of Confusions if all in the Group has Common-motivations and Same-motive. The Time differs with case of otherwise. Group with Common-Motivations and Same-Motives, all members being free from Confusions, Prejudices, and Biasings, can penetrate deep into Phenomenon and feel Variability and Mobility with Samaya.

The another aspect of differing Species is also clear and decipherable by a Group which understands Samaya through its Variability and Mobility, and is able to adjudge and judge Currencies with Samaya and Directivities with Currencies. The Times with the Group is one and same, and Time-platforms are also same and one due Common-Motivations and Common-Motives.

What causes Confusions? Knowing of What causes Confusions is much more important to Groups of all Species, and also to a Group, that covers all Species and all Lifekinds. The Answer is Expectations, which takes over Functioning of Expecting and Processes of Expecting, and guides and controls them per Frames and Shapes of Expectations by the Bio-brains, Bio-minds, and Pairings of Bio-brains and Bio-minds. The Processes of Expecting and Functioning of Expecting allows Thinking-transients to deliver Resistive-energy and Bio-energies to mobilize Vehicle-bodies, and vary Vehicalizing of Bodies per Pairings of Inner-energy with Resistive-energy, Root-energies, Urjaa, and Aatmaa. Thinking-transients thereon become guided and navigated by Jeeva. The Jeeva is Expectations-free Pairings of Processes of Expecting and Functioning of Expecting, which is Energy-Within while being Formless, and which is Prakritee while being with Forms and Variability. The ‘Functioning of Expecting’, while pairing with ‘Processes of Expecting’, is Multi-directional and is plural always to Jeeva. The ‘Processes of Expecting’, while pairing with Functioning of Expecting’, are unit-directional but is singular to Jeeva. The Jeeva observes both Operating-Operations, and develops Operavities and Operativities to guide Troika of Groups of Energies, Life-energy, Urjaa, Inners, Resistive-Energy, Bio-energies and Other-energies.

The Jeeva understands behavioral of Troika and learns Behaviors of Constituent Elementals of Troika. Jeeva is thus always with Samaya. But Expectations that come up with Guidance by Environments, which is with Elementals of Frustrations and Dissatisfactions, make Bio-brains and Bio-minds, and their Pairings, away from Samaya. Such Pairings of Bio-brains and Bio-minds, Bio-minds, and Bio-brains, keep on changing Times and Time-platforms, which indicate more of Gilt-consciences with them. Enslavements surface and indicate themselves through absenting of Pinpointing-concentrations of Thinking-transients and absenting of Directions and Directivities with Thinking. Thinking-processes and Thinking-functions though appear but disappear concurrently too.

‘Greed’ is another Elemental which complicates Absenting of Directions and Directivities with Thinking and Absenting of Pinpointing-concentrations with Thinking-transients. ‘Greed’ confuses Motivations, Variability, and Mobility with Thinking-processes and Thinking-transients. Thereafter Bio-brains become open playgrounds for Animalisms, and make Body-vehicles to work and function to fulfill Animalisms.

Another factor that has transferences and transmissions through Environments-around is Aasaktee. Aasaktee is sum-total of Greed and Lusts of all Negatives to Virtues of Life and Quality with Life-energy. Urjaa pairs and associates with Life-energy, and then operates apposite to Negatives, safeguards Virtues of Life-energy and Life. Life-energy associates and pairs with Urjaa to remove Negatives, and sustain Virtues. Functionalities and Operations of Pairings of Life-energy and Urjaa indicate Binaries of Operating, Binaries of Operavities, Binaries of Operativities, and visualize Binaries of Pairings of Operavities and Operativities with Bio-brains. These Binaries appear as Intelligences with Bio-brains, and Technological and Methodological Knows, Know-how, and Knowledge with Bio-minds.

The Traces of Aasaktee, operational impurity with Bio-brains, develops Affections, and through Affections Loving and Love, and thereafter through Loving and Love learns Caring and Cares, Considering and being Considerate, Sympathy and Sympathizing cum Assisting each other.

Aasaktee causes full throttle Mental-Prostitutionisms and Shrewd-Cunningness. Aasaktee is much more and sever than Physical-Prostituting since Prostituting itself radiates Honesty towards Professionalisms, Sincerities towards Prostituting and Hardworking Mind that keeps itself free from Sentimentalisms and business-like. Mental-prostituting is not open. Mental-prostitution is functional and operational as Ordered and Civilized Lifekinds but spreads Cunningness, Dishonesties, Insincerities, Consummations, and Consummative tendencies among Lifekinds. Mental-prostituting has distorted Neutralities among Lifekinds, Naturality of Relations, and made all Relations that are natural and artificial too, business tools to earn something to consummate and satisfy passions with an Individual.

The Relations are genuine ‘Clue’ to understand filth of Negatives with our Life-systems to cure. Religions do not advise isolating or avoiding of ‘Filth of Negatives’ since they are tools that gives methodologies and techniques to derive, to define, and to devise, Methods and Technologies, we nourish hereafter as Traditions and Rituals. Basically I am personally indebted to one of cyber-friend who follows Religions sincerely and honestly but unfortunately is confused with Meanings with Rituals and hidden behind Traditions. The Cyber-friend is Buddhist from Far-east areas of our Good Earth. This I am compelled to state that ‘Filth’ is platform to learn Realities of Relations and pursue Real-Realities of Life. My sincere Apologies to my cyber-friend, and thanks too, since I have been provided a platform to understand Realities and encroachments of Artificialities over Realities of Relationships.

The Natural Relationships are Mother to Kids and Kids to Mother that are most Natural and without Traces of Artificialities. This one is Binary. The next one with a bit of Artificiality is Father to Mother to Kids. This is linear. The next ones are Brothers to Sisters, and Bodies/Body to Bodies/Body. These are Binaries. Brothers to Sisters and Sisters to Brothers are Natural but with a bit of Artificialities at a bit-higher degree, and basically which narrates and explains being without affect of Physical and Bio aspects of Bodies and Body-requirements. The Relationships are Gravitational, Cosmic, Electrics, Magnetics, Electro-magnetic, etc. etc. as Physicals, and Fiancée and Beau and Beau and Fiancée as Bios. These define Trueness of Friendships that is embedded with us all as Trueances. Physical-Relationships define Construeances with Friendships.

Again my most sincere apology to far-east cyber friend and thanks for providing me a ‘Clue’ and ‘Guide’ thereafter.

Vinay kumar jha


