Can-C - Computer Vision Syndrome
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Can-C - Computer vision syndrome

Seo Team Lead
Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a temporary condition that occurs as a result of eyes focusing on a computer display for prolonged and continuous periods of time. The symptoms of CVS can consist of blurred vision, difficulty in refocusing eyes, headaches, neck pain, eye strain, dryness, double vision, fatigue, irritated eyes and polyopia. There is also a noticeable decrease in blinking which leads to the dryness and irritation.

Furthermore improper lighting conditions e.g. glare and bright overhead lights or air that moves past the eyes e.g. air from fans and overhead vents can add further aggravation to the symptoms.

For the millions of people who spend hours in front of computer screens each day CVS can be a serious problem. Apart from the discomfort experienced from CVS there is the lasting effect it could have on your vision.

Our vision is our most important sense, we use our eyes every constant waking minute. Here we introduce to you Can-C eye drops a unique N-acetylcarnosine formula with added synergistic lubricants, which could provide beneficial results for computer eye syndrome. Can-C is a remarkable eye drop that helps prevent many eye disorders.

Although there are many forms of carnosine it is in fact N-acetylcarnosine which has shown to be highly effective for the treatment of cataracts. N-acetylcarnosine is a blend of two amino acids (Histidine and Alanine) which is also available in the form of ‘carnosine eye drops’.

N-acetylcarnosine is a natural chemical formula that consists of a blend of two amino acids (Alanine and Histidine). N-acetylcarnosine performs as a carrier of carnosine. Carnosine can be found naturally in foods and in human cells. It functions as a protector having anti-glycation and anti-oxidant properties. It is also able to reverse Glycation, thus making it useful for tackling existing eye damage.

 N-acetylcarnosine transforms into pure carnosine eye drops once inside the eye.
