II-X-When you skip breakfast, Blood Sugar drops below normal level, you experience cravings & drop of energy. You again revert to simple Carbohydrates to achieve a quick surge of Blood Sugar and to overcome hunger and drop of energy. Simple Carbohydrates will cause an immediate surge of Blood Sugar level and a substancial Insulin emission. The Insulin removes Sugar from Blood turning its excess into FAT. Then this cycle repeats itself 2-3 more times during the day. This Vicious Circle constitutes one of he major reasons for EXTRA FAT / WEIGHT /TYPE 2 DIABETES & HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE due to excess calorie intake.
III-Balanced protein-based breakfast- Such a breakfast supplies our body with all vital nutrients and energy without increasing Blood Sugar and Insulin levels. It helps to avoid dependence on Carbohydrates during the day. In this way, Appetite stays under control,cravings for Carbohydrates (snacks,chocolate,junk food, Coffee/Ta, Soft drinks etc.,) diminish and the body uses its own stored FATS to get more energy thereby reducing the risk of EXTRA FAT / WEIGHT, TYPE 2 DIABETES & HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.