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Electrical Engineer
     I always love the technology that makes our work easier.When i joined my engineering, we friends started to about transmitting electrical power without wires. that was just a joke to us during that time.But last year only i supposed to know that it is possible to transfer electrical power though air and i got amazed and did a little research about it. Later, i seen that our Alternating Current hero Nicolas Tesla proved that it is possible to transmit electrical power without wire in 1890's itself.

       Transistor was discovered only at 1947 in BELL laboratories. Now we already in the age of ULSI. Compare the size of transistor that got shrunk in these 63 years. Now, We can place above ten's of thousands of transistors in the same area that was occupied by the first transistor that was made. This rapid developments can not only be seen in the field of Electronics it is everywhere, each day ends with some sort of explorations in any field.But it is over a century past after the first demonstration showed by Nicholas Tesla to transfer electrical power without wires. He demonstrated it with two coils and a bulb, using these he made the bulb to glow without any means of physical connection. He just placed the two coils separated by a considerable distance. One coil is connected to the supply and the another one to bulb. Then using the principle of Electromagnetic Induction and Resonance he made the bulb glow.


     Until now,if any one talks about wireless power transmission(WPT) nothing other than Electromagnetic Induction and Resonance comes into the scene.Even though there are some researches and tests were conducted in this WPT.But,those are not quite enough to make a considerable improvements in WPT and still there is no practical applications depends on WPT.


      Some companies are now trying to manufacture wireless battery chargers for cell phones,laptops and other gadgets.Also Intel is now trying to send power and operate laptops displays and loudspeakers without wires.This ensures that WPT will soon enter into domestic applications and this will trigger some companies and scientists to do some serious researches in this field and soon Tesla's dream will come true.
