Usability Of DNA Profiling In Forensic Evidence
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Usability of DNA profiling in forensic evidence

DNA profiling plays important role in determining forensic evidence related to any legal case. DNA sampling left no stone unturned. It successfully finds the right person who has committed the sinful crime. Even the presence of a drop of blood, little urine, hair, nail, semen, sperm etc can trace the DNA sequence. DNA sequence is very unique and belongs to only one person. However, the pattern can be matched but 100% similarity is impossible, which helps in finding the exact person to whom the DNA belongs.

The forensic department use the DNA profiling in high profile and complicated cases to find the convict. The process of DNA profiling is very crucial in rape and murder case. The DNA defence experts are technically sound and they find exactly determine the DNA of the actual person. There are many forensic companies across the world to solve complicated cases. Such companies have well maintained laboratory for analyzing the sample.

DNA defence expert has in-depth knowledge of medical sample. They conduct detailed study of the sample while determining the DNA sequence. Defence DNA expert led companies also keep record of many DNA sampled of previous cases. They match the pattern with those samples to investigate the case. Thus, this method of collecting forensic evidence is much reliable but not very practical due to legal constraints and high costing.

If you would like to know more about dna defence experts and forensic dna analysis please visit the website.
