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Apple will sell 1.49 million units of the iPad in 2015
CNET News reported on September 27, the international market research firm Gartner forecasted that Apple iPad will have an eye-popping growth in sales in the coming years. Gartner said that the global sales of the tablet computer will reach 63.6 million units to the whole. Compared with 2010, the consumer purchases have increased 17.6 million units. Gartner expected Apple's market share will occupy the market share of 73.4% and sell 46.7 million units iPad. It also predicted that the Android system tablet computer will be 11 million units far behind after the iPad. However, the most concern is that Gartner’s estimates of iPad sales for 2015. Gartner expected Apple will sell 1.4870 million units of the iPad in 2015. Android system tablet computer will reach 116.4 million units. In overall, the sales of the tablet computer estimated about 326 million units in 2015. Gartner research vice president Carolina Milanesi said in a statement: "Unless the competitor can put forward some similar proposals, or Apple's challenge is almost non-existent. Apple has a vision to create the tablet computer market and makes a precise plan, even component suppliers─ memory and screen are included, which is allowed to launch the ipad at very competitive prices, and also there is no compromise in user experience." Gartner was extremely optimistic about the future of the tablet computer. Last month,another research firm In-Stat made a report, estimated the sales of the tablet computer are unlikely to reach 250 million units until 2017. If the company's projections prove true, so Apple iPad and Android devices will include occupy the tablet computer market of 90%. In addition to the above platform, Gartner said the other platforms will have some gains in the next year. Microsoft will sell approximately 4.3 million next year, its sales will rise to 34.4 million units in 2015.
Over the past few years, Microsoft has no place in the field of the tablet computer. manufacturers consider to choose another platform, rather than Microsoft. But with the introduction of Windows 8, Microsoft introduced Windows 8 in detail in the Build conference last week, said it was taking into consideration of the use of the tablet computer when they designed. Windows 8 tablet computer will own a number of features, including multi-touch support. What is more, it is compatible with any devices, unlike the ipad, if you want to connect one ipad to another one, you must an ipad to ipad transfer to help you, or you want to transfer music, you have to use another ipad music transfer, in a word, Windows 8 has advantages over the ipad.
Of course, Microsoft hopes to Windows 8 can help in growing its software business. Gartner's report earlier this month expected that the shipments of Microsoft will increase only 3.8%.Gartner estimated that the worldwide unit shipment will be 352 million units this year, and next year will be 404 million units.
