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The duopoly competition between Samsung and Apple
Apple seems to fame, but now it knows better than anybody else that it has to face some of the trouble in the future. In addition to Apple has stepped into a post-Steven Jobs era, Apple also has had to face dozens of competitors in the tablet computer market, which not only have new force but also the rapid escalation of the giants. A hundred groups in flat field are not only from MOTO, Blackberry, HTC and other mobile phone manufacturers, but also the traditional PC camp, including HP, DELL, Lenovo, Asus and other famous brands. But the ensuing some of the test panel computers were slid into the water for quiet this year, even those such as the HP TouchPad, which were dead before the ship even sank. It was only available on more than one month in the market and then ended drearily with a low-cost price. Samsung Electronics is the only strong competitor to make Apple feel threatened. Samsung demonstrated the first GALAXY Tab since last November, Apple failed to throw off from half a step away from Samsung. On August 27, Samsung introduced a new generation of high-end tablet GALAXY Tab 10.1, which has spread beyond iPad2 in the screen size. Following the previous generation 7 inches GALAXY Tab-type swept the world, Samsung has the most direct impact on Apple with the world's slimmest body (8.6 mm and 10.1-inch). U.S. research firm Rethink Technology Research released a report that is expected to the end of 2011, the number of worldwide Tablet PC manufacturers will increase to 200. Apple iPad's market share will from 95% in the end of last year fell to 60%. The largest share of this growth came from the Android camp Samsung GALAXY Tab products. Clearly, Apple iPad and the rival Samsung GALAXY Tab will inevitably put on a show of duopoly competition. A formidable rival to Apple Recently Samsung launched GALAXY Tab 10.1 to against iPad2, which has caused the tablet computer market competition become more and more fierce. When Apple company tried its best to reduce the weight of ipad2 to 601 grams, Samsung GALAXY Tab 10.1 rewritten the record to 565 grams easily. At the same time, with only a thickness of 8.6 mm, GALAXY Tab 10.1 has come to the front of the ipad2 and also has spawned even greater convenience for users. What is more, GALAXY Tab 10.1 has good performance in the format supporting. It not only can support flash but also many common video formats. However, ipad only can support mov file and mp4, so if the users want to play them on the ipad, they have to use a best dvd to ipad converter to help them. So many businessmen and TV fans prefer GALAXY Tab 10.1.
The ultra-high popularity of Samsung tablet computer let Apple feel panicky, so Apple was attempting to obstruct the upcoming GALAXY Tab 10.1 in Europe through the legal system. Apple is very clear that “GALAXY Tab 10.1 steals the ipad2’s thunder” not to has by no means possibly. A larger strategy Samsung GALAXY Tab 8.9, in addition to the reduction of screen, has the same the performance parameters with GALAXY Tab 10.1. Today, 7.7 inches screen GALAXY Tab 7.7 also will be listed soon. The best records (335 grams and 7.89mm) in the industry made many people look forward to GALAXY Tab 7.7. GALAXY Tab is the "family" in combat. The annual generation of Apple iPad has adopted the strategy of "a machine to conquer the world." Samsung as a rising star and catch-up, the breakdown products is are more reasonable strategy and can also meet the growing segment of the consumer market. In addition to the current Android system, Samsung wants to develop different systems of diversified products. The self-developed bada system is being developed step by step into the evolution, Microsoft's next operating system Windows 8 was adopted with Samsung Tablet PC. Though Apple has also developed several different systems, they are closed, like the above-mentioned video conversion, for the systems are different, there are several different converters. For example, dvd to ipad mac converter and ipad video converter for Windows. So viewed from the side, the unprecedented flat-panel product line that showed Samsung has a larger conspiracy than Apple.
