What Functions Does A File Manager Concludes
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What functions does a file manager concludes

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File manager is the application help computer user manage file well. A computer always have large amount of documents, even some documents seems no use to users. All categories of file stored in one folder, including: music, PDF, movie, mails and some pages. When user needs to use one file of them, it seems in a mess and difficult to find the file. The goal of file manager is help user can make their files organized and easy to find any files. A file manager needs to contain all the files in the system, this make find a file available with the application. In order to make the file organized, most of the file manager create folder for each kinds of files, the files stored in the folder. The folder can help user search the file quickly when they need to find a file. In order to manage all the files in the system, a file manager store the download files into the folder automatically, so computer user have no needs to store the files any more. And file manager always provide user several ways to search file, including searching for the name, size and types. When you search files, the file manager will show you the duplicated the files, if you certain that you never need the file again, you can remove the duplicated files. File manager make all the files organized and easy to find, so user can benefit a lots from a file manager.
