Poor Birds
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Poor Birds

In the month of December, may be on 15th or so,, there was an article in " THE HINDHU" newspaper.

It said that, since there was bird flu, people caught many birds, ranging from small sparrows and killed them.

it is a heart-provoking and mind blocking incident.

dont they have the same life as we do?

how are they suffering from such a disease?
The main cause is due human activities against nature, resulting birds and animals as victims for our mistake.

man is polluting nature and inturn killing the animals in two ways.

what right do he have?
if these birds are too dangerous to the survival of man, then what about the severe matter that is hazardous to man's life,, its AIDS????

rule is rule , rule for all!

if he kills the innocent birds then he has to kill humans also (affected by cancer and many other dangerous diseases)

but he will not.

scientists find medicine for cancer, etc and leave the other living things

what is the partiality?? and why??

atleast..atleast he should try to keep himself clean
