Can'T You Buy iPad3?
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Can't you buy iPad3?

The general consensus 'round the ole Internet is that Apple is going to bestow the iPad 3unto us on March 7. It will be groundbreaking in that usual Apple way, and you will want it -- that is, unless you fall into one of the categories below.

That's because there are five very good reasons not to buy the new iPad 3. For some people, these explanations may bring to light why they, too, probably shouldn't buy it. For others, these reasons will just help them understand those other crazy people. Here's why you might not be buying the iPad 3 this week:

You want to save money. We feel bad even mentioning this one because of course it's a luxury item and we should all really get over its price already! But the iPad 3 will be expensive, and many people will cringe at the price. If you want a money-saving option, buy the iPad 2 once it goes on clearance (or pick up a refurbished one from Apple). After all, no matter what bells and whistles are crammed into the latest model, the iPad 2 is probably still going to do 90% of what the iPad 3 will. (Post continues below.)

You're going to "wait and see." With so many promising new Ice Cream Sandwich-based Android tablets on the horizon, maybe you want to see what that platform has in store over the next couple of months. Or maybe you've heard that the first Windows 8 tablets are scheduled to arrive later this year, and you want to see how those things compare with the iPad before making the leap. Either way, you won't snatch up the iPad 3, and someone will naturally accuse you of being an "Apple hater."

You don't want to re-buy so soon. It seems like you preordered that brand new iPad 2 of yours just yesterday. It's still in good condition, and you use it every day. Maybe you feel like you haven't gotten your money's worth out of it yet, and you'll skip the iPad 3 and wait for the iPad 4 (which will most certainly be announced in about a year's time). Also, you don't need to have the latest and greatest to feel good about yourself.

What's 4G? Rumor has it (as Adele sings) that the iPad 3 is going to be 4G LTE-connected. But what does that mean to someone who lives in an area that has never seen a 4G tower and is barely covered by any kind of cellular signal? None. It matters none. (Sure, it'll be Wi-Fi connected, but so is the iPad 2, so 4G isn't exactly a selling point for these potential buyers.)

You've got other investments. You're already invested in another app ecosystem. Perhaps you've spent a lot of money in the Android Market or Amazon App Store. Switching platforms would mean having to re-buy a bunch of apps and games.

These are all fine reasons not to buy Apple's upcoming tablet, but it's still going to be a compelling product that will test your willpower. Of course, the best reason not to buy an iPad 3 on March 7 is if Apple doesn't announce it at all! OK, OK, but if Apple does in fact announce its iPad 3, will you buy one?
