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Evolution of .NET Framework: How it got the success..!
Evolution of .NET Framework

Before 1970, the computer programming was supplemented with languages like FORTRAN and COBOL and were to the extent providing good amount of assistance to programmer in their specific fields. But there was always a need of some language which has general purpose role and can help the programmers to effectively write programs for literally infinite range of fields. This very need has created a challenge for many computer scientist and had compelled them to create solutions in this interest. Denis Richie, the famous computer Scientist of AT & T Bell Laboratories and many other worker together worked seriously to create a new language of computer popularly known as 'C Language'- which was regarded as a pioneering work in the field of computer science. C language was and still regarded as mother of all modern computing languages and it has various good features which assisted the programmers at that time to create efficient programs. It continued to be a language of programmers till recent 90's before it succumbs to big challenges of modern programming work. It was recognised that C language lacks modular and object oriented approach of programming due to which redundancy in effort couldn't be minimised and debugging an application's problem was very hectic and tedious task. These anomalies of language has raised eyebrows of various scientist and it was thought to re-shape it with new approaches and functionalites. This need became the precusor for another language of C lineage known as 'C++'. This language has virtually all the sets of features needed in modern programming language like 'modular design framework' and most notably 'Object Orientation'. At this time, programmers thought that this was the end programming language as it has all the features that are required from programmer's aspect. But later it was proved wrong when the new need of 'Platform Independency' was realised which was very early well acknowledged by Sun MicroSystem Inc and they started creating the new language which has all those features which 'C & C++' has plus some additional features like platform independency and memory management etc. Although C++ can be platform independent but specific drivers would be needed for different platforms to execute the same code on different machine, which was again not a favorable choice of action from programmer's point of view. Hence Sun MicroSystem won the competion by launching their new Language formerly known as 'Oak' but later renamed to 'Java'.
Java has completely redefined the programming paradigm and style by incorporating various innovative features into its framework. It was a robust, platform independent, object-oriented and scalar language. By this time another computing Giant corporation who has earlier bargained the great opportunity from IBM inc. by carefully and cleverly replacing their market products with their technology and product. Yes! you got that right! It was none other than Microsoft Corporation led by Bill Gates (former worker of IBM); they also took interest in programming language competition and was struggling with their offerings like BASIC. Later they produced other technologies into their operating system frameworks viz. COM/DCOM(Distributed/Component Object Model). On the other hand Java has completely revolutionized the computer programming world and till 1999 they were the only first choice of selection for programmers. But when Microsoft released their first public release of ".NET Framework" in 2000 then it created a great amount of competition. They carefully analysed the weaknesses of Java Language (which was not visible to most programmers) and has created a need in mind of programmer by creating their framework and languages which has their own runtime environment and has complete IDE(integrated development environment). Java lacked the IDE and it was obviously very difficult to remember thousands of libraries names and their functions because of which programmers have to face big difficulty inspite of promising and good features in language. This led to the downfall of Java's Success and has raised the flag of victory for .NET Framework and languages!!
Zohdi Rizvi
E-business Graduate
Ahmedabad, Gujarat