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Was, Taj Mahal or your luxurious house built in a day? If, not then how can our India be incredible? But I know, DIL TOD KE JODNA is not easy. Our India is just like a HEART, which was hurt not only by the Britishersbut also by the Emperors and presently caste, creed and politics.

With ire, I present a very shocking data to your notice.

75% of population earn below Rs50 a day and we Amittians sip a coffee of Rs 52 in CCD. We call ourselves as highly educated, knowledgeable, organize human value quarter, specialist in behavior science; walk with attitude, shouting that we all are from this family, that family, My father is yeh! woh!, spend hundred's and thousand's of rupees to get the smile of girl friend or boy friend. But, does anyone think or spends a single rupee for the smile of the poor.

Total population who live below $1.25 in this world are 1.4 billion and out of this 456 million are INDIANS.

I am sorry to say but this is true that India is a country like a young, tall handsome man but, suffring from cancer.

India develops a high degree of complexity. Research reports say that, India's GDP will beat USA in coming 10 years and on other hand reports chew out this fact by showing increasing poverty rate. (The number of poor under $1.25 a day has increased from 421 million in 1981 to 456 million in 2005) source World Bank.

I request you people to do something. Use your potential, knowledge for our nation. 

As it goes "one person can make a difference" so think about it.
