Meditation Q&Amp;A - Diet
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Meditation Q&A - Diet

Q: If I become a vegetarian, will meditation be better?

A: Only if you are naturally inclined that way. Forced diets are not usually the best diets, because they introduce stress and self-judgement. The first chance it gets, the body rushes back to the old diet. This is why regimented diet programs rarely work over the long run. It has to come from within. 

If you meditate regularly, you will find that, in time, you will be drawn to a lighter, more nutritious diet. Your preferences will change naturally. Go with that. The body knows what it needs to sustain the process of purification fostered by meditation. As pure bliss consciousness rises, the eating habits will change accordingly.

"Light and nutritious" is about all the diet description you will see here in these lessons. "Light" to aid in easy cleansing of the nervous system through advanced yoga practices, and "nutritious" to help keep the body in good health. Too light is not usually nutritious, and too nutritious is not usually light. Balance is the key, and regular meditation will naturally lead us in that direction. A preoccupation with diet is not an aid to meditation. So take it easy and meditate twice each day. If you do that, the diet will take care of itself. 

The guru is in you.

Note: For detailed instructions on deep meditation, see the AYP Deep Meditation book.

For detailed discussion on yogic diet, see the AYP Diet, Shatkarmas and Amaroli book.
