Pakistan-Head Stuck In The Sand
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Pakistan-Head Stuck in the Sand

      Now that Pakistan's complicity in harboring the world's most sought after fugitive has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt to the entire world, it was risible and outright outrageous to hear Pakistan's ambassador to the US, Husain Huqqani go on the Charlie Rose Show yesterday on the public channel and shamelessly feign Pakistan's innocence about Osama Bin Laden's whereabouts for the past ten years. He once again reinforced Pakistan's Ostrich-like attitude of denying any involvement in aiding Osama Bin Laden's transit into Pakistan and offering him and his retinue a safe haven, despite overwhelming evidence pointing to the contrary. After persistent prodding during the interview, he admitted  the existence of the support structure in Pakistan which facilitated Bin Laden setting up residence in Abbotabad. There is no denying that the ISI and its top echelons with active collusion from the military establishments provided  the safe sanctuary for Bin Laden and his affiliates.But the most fallacious argument he put forth to bolster Pakistan's innocence and thwart actionable evidence about Pakistan's tacit alliance with Al-Qaeda and its Jihadi affiliates was his specious argument about the threat from the eastern border( meaning India). He proclaimed his country's inability to uproot Jihadi terrorism from its soil due to its perceived threat emanating from the neighboring country from the east (India) there by  impelling a substantial shift of its military assets towards the eastern border. He went on to say that Pakistan dropped the ball on capturing Osama Bin Laden,solely because it was preoccupied with defending its eastern flank. 

 Any one with half a brain cell could dismiss his pernicious reasoning as nothing  but a meretricious attempt to cover Pakistan's connivance for the past few decades with multiple Jihadi outfits masquerading as freedom fighters.He even had the temerity to shift blame on India for Pakistan's incompetence and plain unwillingness to combat the festering Jihadi menace created by its own military spooks to harass and wage a war of thousand cuts on India.Now it is blow back time, hence Pakistan's desperate attempt to clutch on any straws.India has to clearly lay down some markers before entering into any rapprochement with Pakistan.The time for parsing and  looking for nuances is over. India has to immediately demand the extradition  of the masterminds behind the Mumbai attacks and also insist on the detention of high value terrorists who plotted and perpetrated multiple attacks on India before any meaningful talks with Pakistan can be initiated. India needs to wake up and smell the coffee before another terrorist strike visits its soil.
