Can a son be at risk of Cancer if his mom had it?

As per Cancer registry data, it is estimated that about 8,00,000 new cases of Cancer will be added in India every year. Cancer sites associate about 30 to 50% of all claims in men and about 17% of cancer cases in women.
Cancer is rising fast for many reasons. If a close family member is suffering from the disease, then the probability of other members being sickened with Cancer is high.
Does cancer really run into generations?
Let us read more about family history and the probability of getting Cancer.
Family History and Probability of Cancer
A family history of illnesses informs about the general health conditions that prevail. The first person to be affected by cancer could be anyone’s parents, brother, sister, aunt, uncle and grandparents.
If you observe signs of Cancer and go to meet a doctor, they will first ask you about the family history of Cancer. It helps them establish the proximate cause of the disease and then begin with the treatment.
Though it is not necessary that if your parents or anyone in the family have Cancer, you will also have it, but the chances of getting it are high. Common types of Cancer that runs in the family include:
- Familial Cancer: This type of Cancer does not happen because of gene mutation. But it can occur in the family due to a combination of factors shared in the family. Common elements will include places where you live, the food you eat, the lifestyle you have, etc.
- Inherited Cancer: The Cancer that happens due to gene mutation is inherited Cancer. This type of disease is passed from parent to child. Nearly 5% to 10% of all cancers are inherited. Common examples of inherited Cancer include cases like family members are diagnosed with Cancer at an early age, family members have related or rare types of Cancer, more than one case of childhood cancer in siblings, etc.
Be it any type of cancer, an important fact to know is the augmented rise in cancer cases in India. Everything happens with a reason and when we plan to battle the disease, it is essential we identify factors that are causing an increase in Cancer.
Reasons why cancer is rising fast in India?
According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), it was estimated in 2021 that nearly 12% cases of cancer will rise in India in the next 5 years. The major contributing factors to the rise of the disease are:
- Consumption of tobacco largely by youth. The cigarette sales are expected to reach 83-85 billion sticks in India in 2022. Tobacco is said to contain at least 69 cancer causing agents. Reports state that with tobacco use in 2025, the total number of cancer cases will be 4,27,273.
- Other than tobacco, it is alcohol, obesity, an exercise deprived lifestyle also adds to increase in cancer cases.
- High calorie diets with a sedentary lifestyle have led to an increase in cancer cases.
In common, cancers of colon, pancreas, kidney and gallbladder are on the rise amongst people with age less than 50. Not only this, childhood cancer with cases of leukemia and lymphomas is also on the rise. Cancer in children between 0-14 years constitute a total of 7.9% cases of all cancer as confirmed by ICMR.
Cancer: Battle for Family!
Having Cancer can be emotionally draining for the family. But more than emotional trauma, it is a financial burden for the family. The highest cost of cancer treatment in India may cost Rs.30 lakhs, and the lowest price is close to Rs.1 lakh. The amounts are high and are expected to rise in the future, considering the medical inflation as high as 18%.
Cancer to one family member can lead to wiping away the family’s savings. In addition, it can push the members to compromise their dreams and future goals.
No-one sensible would want the whole family to suffer just because of an unexpected illness.
If that is the case, what could be the safe way to protect the family from financial crunch?
Let us explore the most suitable way to easily bear the consequences of Cancer.
Cancer Insurance Plan.
Yes, a cancer insurance plan is an apt option to prepare one for unexpected financial crises that may arise if a member is diagnosed with cancer.
Wondering how the insurance policy eases your pain and helps you recover faster?
That is an obvious question that must have captured your mind.
If yes, then further is a must-read for you.
A cancer insurance plan is a life insurance policy that pays you in a lump sum after a cancer diagnosis. The benefit will be delivered to the life insured depending on the cancer stage.
The cancer protection plan enables you to handle medical plan deductibles, co-pays, and other expenses which would otherwise affect your savings. In short, with an insurance policy, you can manage both medical and non-medical expenses.
You can read about the cancer insurance benefits.
Benefits of Cancer Insurance Plan
Cancer Insurance Plan is packed with distinct features that provide these benefits. In addition, the insurance policy covers all stages of Cancer. The benefits of buying a cancer insurance plan are:
● High Cover at Affordable Premium: A cancer insurance plan is available at quite an affordable premium. You can get cover as high as Rs.10 lakhs at a premium of just Rs.4/day. The policy term expected can be Rs.20 years.
● Payout on diagnosis: Cancer insurance plan gives you a payout on the diagnosis. If an early stage of cancer is diagnosed, an immediate payout of 30% of the sum assured will be provided. The rest 70% of the sum assured will be given if the major stage cancer is confirmed in the life insured. If, after the first test, major stage cancer is diagnosed, 100% of the sum assured will be given.
● Waiver of Premium: If the life insured is diagnosed with an early stage of Cancer, the premium for 5 years or the remaining policy term (whichever is shorter) will be waived off. All the benefits will continue during the policy period.
● Income Benefit Option: The cancer protection plan provides an income benefit option in which life insured will get 1% of the sum assured if diagnosed with the major stage of Cancer. The income benefit option applies for 5 policy years. If, during this period, the life insured passes away, the nominee will continue to receive the income benefit.
● Income tax benefit: Cancer insurance makes you eligible to reduce your tax liability. You may save up to Rs.25,000 under section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Moreover, senior citizens may enjoy a higher tax benefit amount.
Should a mother with Cancer buy a policy for a child?
Mehak, mother to Rohan (19 years) suffered from cancer. She was a working lady and bought a cancer insurance plan as her maternal family had cases of the disease. Years after taking the insurance policy, Mehak could easily get the lump sum amount when she was diagnosed with cancer. Fearing that the disease could affect her son, she bought a policy for him when he turned 18. It gave peace of mind to Mehak because she knew that lack of money can affect the quality of treatment.
Like Mehak, if a mother is battling Cancer or has suffered from the disease in the past, she can take the insurance policy for her child. The cancer protection plan is not a joint or a group policy and must be taken as an individual.
But before taking the policy, the mother will have to take care of the eligibility criteria:
● The entry age for the cancer insurance plan is 18 to 65 years.
● Policy Term is a minimum of 5 years, and the maximum is 50 years.
● Premium paying terms are regular, which is essential to evaluate.
● Sum assured limit starts from Rs.10 lakhs to Rs.50 lakhs.
Some of the best cancer insurance policy in India to consider include:
● ICICI Pru Heart/Cancer Protect
● HDFC Life Cancer Care
● Max Life Cancer Insurance Plan
Diseases can at times run in the family from one generation to another. Cancer is one type of illness that can be inherited in children if either of the parents has it. The disease is spreading at an alarming rate in India. Keeping it precautionary, there is no harm in buying the policy for your child. Talking about the illness is considered an omen, but wisely do not talk like that. They prepare themselves financially for the times when the situation is worse. If you want to read more about the plan. You can also buy the policy online for your convenience.