Uncommon Wealth
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Uncommon wealth

Manager Operations
My dear friends


Next month there is going to be a mega extraveganza. atheletes and sport persons from various countries will frequent Delhi to test their destiny. there is no doubt that thousands of crores of money has been spent here. people have been making allegations of misappropriation of funds and nepotism. 


on the other hand, lets see how many workers got the employment opportunity. though some people have literally made their fortunes courtesy this event, many have changed their fortunes.


sports is all about spirit and fitness. people of India: please do not policicalise this event and try to cash it out. by doing do you are giving unnecessary hype to new media, print media and of course internet. 


let this event be successful because it is our money which has been invested here and of course we would not want our investment to be converted into a bad debt. if it happens so, we would again be over burdened by taxes and cesses. The common money actually belongs to the uncommon population of India. we just need to give full support to the games.


Best of Luck to the CWG games.

