Ayurvedic Approach For Rhinitis
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Ayurvedic approach for Rhinitis

Ayurveda consultant
It will be the most intimidating thing in this world when a person begins the day by continuous forceful bouts of sneezing followed by at least thirty minutes of watery discharge through nose. It could be related with allergy to dust or pollen etc. It can persist throughout the year. There are many types like atopic or allergic, vasomotor, perennial etc. All these manifestations take a toll on the patient’s concentration level and interaction. Laboratory investigations, radiography will not give clue about the exact cause as the reason is not an anatomical issue. Repeated dose of antihistamines, inhalers are not the permanent solution providers. Many patients don’t suffer when they go back to temperate climate. Probable causes could be - untreated chronic infection of the pharynx, exposure to dusty air and most importantly not sleeping even past midnight ( leading to defect in vata bioenergy) Except for those patients with both rhinitis and sinusitis, this condition is predominantly pitta vata based disease.

Ensuring proper sleep on time, avoiding  cold water bath very early in the morning, using a hand-kerchief for closing the nose(to prevent entry of dust) are important steps in management of this disease. Relieving constipation has helped in many cases. Popular useful formulations used are Haridra khandam, Vyoshadi vatakam, Kaisora guggulu, amrutottaram kashayam, vyaghryadi, sudarsanam choornam etc. procedures like lepa, nasya(when there is no nasal discharge) are also effective in reducing the frequency or curing the disease.

Call now and fix an appointment 1-800-425-4325 or consult online http://www.rvita.com
