TIME - Is Eternal Life.
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editricon TIME - is Eternal Life.

Corporate Trainer
See interview of Subramanya Rama Rao

The insurmountable difficulties of yesterday are surmountable today, for better logic, and approach has made it possible. Where there is a way there is a way out. Time - do not wait for us.

Time - is an incredible healer. Change - is what assures the present and the future a divine touch. Without this occurrence life on earth would have been a painful forbearing and burdensome existence.

Time is relative and cannot be easily comprehended. But the change occurring in our lives is definitely noticeable. Time is precious for everything. When people loose faith in their own self, lost in life, forlorn and disappointed they become depressed. Many think of suicide and death.

Take for instance, a psychotic patient in a mental asylum decides to commit suicide, for some reason or the other he postpones committing this heinous act he escapes death. A moment stilled in life: is a whole moment of life regained for this hapless creature.

Time is also a coincidence. Many things fall gracefully in our lives in one ascend. Un believable magic happens to all of us, and then it is pure joy. We feel thankful to God for it all. But, we should also develop a healthy attitude when every thing dose not happens the way we desire. It is the human spirit, which lasts forever. At whatever position and status people are placed on this planet, one thing remains constant – The Human Dignity. Ungrudgingly one has to spare to the other fellow being this accepted Value, at any cost and at any price. The hurt we cause to others comes back in full measure and hits us sooner or later. There exists some unexplainable justice governing all of us. Super nature corrects nature. We humans think that we are totally independent in thought and actions and are consciously aware that we are superior creatures on earth born, but the more intelligent governance is supervising all of us unaware of our sharp faculties.

The insurmountable difficulties of yesterday are surmountable today, for better logic, and approach has made it possible. Where there is a way there is a way out. Time - do not wait for us, rather it shows that certain things need to be done before it is too late. When that moment passes away the thing that needs to be done also disappears.

There are very precious moments in life that calls for virtuous actions and if rendered and fulfilled at the need of the hour, bestows us a lifetime of happiness, contentment and joy.

We should not restrain ourselves in doing such positive actions. These actions need to be wholesome and complete in its entirety.

I distinctly, remember an instance, which has left an indelible impression within me for having lived up to that great fleeting moment of time. A distant cousin was sick; doctors had nearly predicted her short-lived life span. Her aged father stood by her and supported unflinchingly. At the time when I met them, I saw her curled up on the bed; her father narrated how they punctually visited one specialist after the other and the ordeal that they together underwent. I could do very little, it was my pay day and I was carrying money in my brief case, impulsively I offered them some telling them that the money could come handy. The old man was taken aback and was slightly embarrassed but conceded after I told him that I meant only to show my affection to my cousin and nothing else. He reciprocated and told her daughter to accept. She stood up and was moved visibly, she silently spoke to me that she was indeed happy to have met me. They were economically sound but yet accepted what I could give them. Few weeks passed by and I heard that she passed away succumbing to her disease.

Time sense, rules the outcome of our acts. Either compliments or destroy our actions and inactions. The right words spoken at appropriate times and correct actions applied at the right point in time. Time can heal but it has the element of not healing too, if no proper medicine is administered. The hurt we cause to others may be washed away by penitence

By proper conduct and behaviour Left undone, it could keep the wound ripe and sour. Prejudices hardened and dreadfulness continued.

One should never step into the past, for it brings new conflicts from within the past. Neither to apply nor give life to the relationships of the bygone days for the present leaves you restless and woebegone. The past should never dictate your life or influence you. We cannot revoke what we have been into either good or bad for the present circumstances.

The human existence is dynamic and is unstoppable. It is preposterous to escape our present, thinking that the past can give us happiness. We cannot seek the past for it can never bring us relief. The Sun raises fresh every day at the dawn and at dusk disappears, leaving behind only the light and the shadow as a reflective element. Thinking of the past only slows you down and momentarily fixes you in a delirious experience. If you take care of the present in its full measure, making life more liveable and little more acceptable by infusing novelty and creativity, you are attuning your life with preparedness to face what is to come in future.

Friend of mine once said to me: ‘when a loved one passes away, a part of our own self dies’. I did not contradict him at that time, although I was taken by surprise. Fearing that I may hurt his fragile state of mind I stood in my track and thought, if all my friends and relatives were to die in over a period of time, I would have been dead by then. I think there is something greater than our own lives and being stuck with some affection or for any sentiment.

Where there is a beginning, there is an end, and where there is an end there could be a beginning. What remains in the end is perhaps; the good we have given to do good for others brings in us certain unknown joy and cleans our moral fabric. The more number of people who knows you have something good to express multiplies and when this team declares that you are a friend worthy of remembrance, the aura with which you move ahead brings you profound happiness. When such a thing can transform our lives, where is the scope for People voluntarily choose the way of life they aspire? Greed, apathy, frivolous ambition and passionate intensity motivate them to tread the wrong path. In the short run they thrive, but when time overtakes reality, they succumb to end less misery. Life in its full capacity defines the theme very common to each one of us. Each of us reacts in different forms and adopts ourselves to circumstances. We play our own life’s little games, and getting stuck overplaying or underplaying it.

The immense joy and contentment lies in refusing to play any mental games and not being into it anyways. We must retain and choose to be plain and modest to our own conscience. Not pretending but accepting for what it is. Lot of transparency shows itself when you are like a child; people love you in greater affection and trust you. And above all you feel elevated and pleased for the person you are.
