Why We Need- GOD, What Is His Importance?
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Why we need- GOD, what is his importance?

Corporate Trainer
See interview of Subramanya Rama Rao

The importance of understanding the God concept lies not in the sphere of limited intelligence but lies beyond intelligence.

The need for a God Head looks inevitable and imperative from all moral counts. The key to our rudimentary life to the Roots for eternal growth this source of energy is very vital.

If it is taken off at any point of time, we step into virtual death. The choice is ours, to desecrate our good life or allow the power of the energy to take us to a higher alters of existence. For those who have understanding of God, mere faith is good enough. If they act results will be a matter of certainty. A certain positive energy flows in them to achieve whatever they aspire. The inner self becomes strengthened to face any odds.

Our routine life is very monotonous and in the common drudgery we see saturation. The very fact that we are an intelligent race on earth forbids us to be non-creative. We constantly believe in bettering our lives and live in a society. Miracles do happen at times where positive energy proves quite substantial. By the power of the ‘Auto suggestion’ we could erase negative thinking.

‘If you picture Time as a straight line along which we have to travel, then you must picture God as the Whole page on which the line is drawn.’ – So said C.S.Lewis.

Man cannot live by bread alone. He may hold a dominant position with the other neighbours with whom he shares space on this planet. But he is entirely dependent on several things along with others in equal measure. The air he breathes, the water he drinks and the food he eats. And looks for the same comfort like any other creature born. He may better himself compared to others by inventing ideas and finding new ways to enhance his living comforts.

In fact there is not much he can claim about in life and be self-righteous.

Deviating from nature and alienating himself will do much harm to him than benefiting with his selfishness and greed. He could play fool and repent in leisure. Man can never be a master but can certainly prove to be a loyal subject.

Man has grown only laterally, digressing intellectually diminutive, expanding inorganically into horizons. His mental health depends on both external and internal factors. He can be in a lunatic asylum if his chemistry lets him down or he succumbs by his own folly leading an undisciplined way of life. Human brain runs by neurological chemistry, it is a chemical laboratory where every pint of chemical it produces needs to be in balance, for instance a chemical by name Dopamine - may trigger highly complicated behavioural imbalances and can upset his mental state of health. Any upheaval may end up in a chaotic state. To maintain this natural balance obviously, some unknown force governs the complex systemic control. A visit to a mental hospital would be adequate to size the pathetic condition of hapless men and women, oblivious to the external world endlessly groping in emptiness.

A child needs parentage most; the symbiotic relationship between them is immeasurable. As adults we distance ourselves when all things are safe and secure, when we cannot manage our own life and in trouble, we look at God. Expect that all will be set right soon.

A clean conscience, matured attitude and good approach towards the problems of life and trust in God will offset all difficulties.

A sharp mind capable of understanding the awesome power of God, looking at the night sky and focusing at the possible other worlds, way beyond and imagining the infinite space and its magnitude

The God awareness makes our lives filled with joyous celebration. Amid stress-ridden life of ours the thought of his living presence reduces our burden and makes us light hearted. A true companion who accompanies us where ever we go. Someone we could trust and lean on in troubled times. Life do not owe us a total package of happiness, every one of us would experience the rough tides one time or another. Some could be very debilitating instances leaving permanent scarce. During these circumstances our best consolation is above all connections, we seek refuge in something that is most powerful. The powers of praying which can heal up all our wounds.

We need God because; he is the force guiding and giving life to us. With out him all creatures would wither away. The child stays inside the mother’s womb for nine months, but the mankind stays forever in Gods custody for many births in different life forms. Clinging to him in utmost humility and in consummate love.

World without God’s presence will be barren and dreadful. God’s infinite presence lies in the form of nature and with the existence of countless living creatures that live in this world. It is utter foolishness to believe in any ‘Big Bang’ theory for the birth of the universe and take away the credits of almighty. It truly belongs to him. Intelligent perception convinces us beyond doubt and apprehension that highly controlled governance cannot prevail with all living beings and in the universe, should it not for the work of the supreme power.

If a doctor were to cut open the Brain, he sees a perfect mechanism in clockwork precision, he operates on such parts, which has deficiency and sets it right. But if he stops to question how in the first place such perfection is in place, the first thing that he acknowledges is - God. Recognizing the supreme power.

Imagine the consequence if Sun had no stratospheric control in the solar system. And the countless such stars emitting light more powerful had no restraint in gravity. Then the precedence would result in cosmic chaos.

God is an architect and a designer. Nobody can surpass him. Trying to debate and evaluating the need of his presence being with us sounds immature and childish. When we are totally blessed with his gifts. It is simply better to accept him as our saviour.

Human beings are like a small speck in a coliseum, compared to the size and the awesome universe above us. Faith in God helps us till our last breath and even in afterlife. There is nothing further than this faith and conviction, man cannot digest many things and cannot offer to trumpet his drums. We cannot dismiss the thought that life on another planets does not exist. As we explore planets and go further in outer space, we may realise that we are not alone. If destiny drives all our lives, God can interfere in-between and correct it.

When we accept God in totality, all our stressing moments and tribulations are strengthened. Circumstances like loosing someone dear to us, loss of business, loss of all kinds –if understood clearly, in spiritual strength we realise, that attachment to the ‘finite’ substances would aggravates suffering and having reposed faith in the ‘infinite’ would end all suffering. When you renounce all kinds of material desires and human bondage, trust God: all sufferings will cease.
