Rudiments Of Personality
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Rudiments of Personality

Corporate Trainer
See interview of Subramanya Rama Rao

Personality is a mixed bag of humane qualities seeking inner peace and tranquillity. Great souls leave behind an indelible life and sensibility for ordinary people to inspire the greatness of its influence.

Material things that man has invented are only cosmetic in nature. A highly evolved synthetic, time serving and sense gratifying elements. Beyond this, it holds and sustains nothing. The matter he has infused to enrich this small frivolous world cannot tolerate the slightest inequity of the simulated personality that ‘he’ is.

Man has perfected the art of living comfortably, by shackles of desire and cravings. The spirit of life and reality is not being realized and his selfishness and comfort is expanding. His own creativity and intelligence has engulfed him to an abysmal level where there is no point of return.

Perhaps, time has come to relearn the basics and look at it closely to understand how he can rehabilitate his life. Crafting a life based on pure human values and subtle perceptions to recapture a meaningful life. Which is of primary importance.

A person who subjects himself to the vigorous framework of developing his personality based on independent thought and intellect will sustain longer in this existence than his counterpart who goes by examples and setting morals. An intelligent mind will not subscribe to any cult and practices. In fact, one need not have to take inspiration by any charlatan practitioner of conditional thinking. But in equal foothold, it should not be an endeavour totally rationalizing and being grandiose about a self-declared personage.

As children we grow demanding affections, love and security. But as we grow to be adults there is continuance of attachments and an adult way of being like children. An individual, right from the sprouting birth to death is a kind of a recluse. An isolated creature, from where he comes to be a person and positions himself in life, taking where his destiny leads him. The world of children is something that cannot be easily comprehended. It is so fertile in imagination and artistically superior, we adults tend to overlook and fail to recognize it. They live in a wonderland of care free, blissful, and colourful imagery. To stop them from functioning their way and halting the growth of creativity would be something like snatching the bread away from a deprived child.

I have found out that they demonstrate remarkable mental energy at times of personal tragedy. They recuperate very fast the sense of loss and adopt themselves to new set of circumstances. In other words, they have great strength and once convinced, they become rock hard. Adults cannot step up with children in very many ways. Because they are exposed in their conditional world they suffer most. Imagine if children had that perceptible emotions and sentiments that of adults, life on earth would have become an anguishing nightmare.

To ensure a decent livelihood to children and to provide the basic needs is a primary requirement. Affections and love should be the governing elements.

Modern world has produced intelligent professionals but it has rendered them as fragile and unsteady individuals. Many turnouts silently withdraw and become introverts. As a matter of fact, become uncommunicative and the natural defence mechanism eroded. When the adult world is intercepted, we commonly have the least tolerance level, and we plan to discipline them by sending them to boarding schools. Washing away true parental involvement. Fully justifying our acts of discipline.

An Adult who can stoop to the level of children and can identify himself as one among them but yet impart serious study makes a better teacher. In other words there is total communion.

It is superior to acquire knowledge by being a silent onlooker observing and hearing, perceiving and learning and unlearning in a permutation and combination process. It is like being struck in a traffic jam, when you hear everything you can identify which noise really bothers you, and can do something to minimise the botheration but instead, you try to focus on hearing one thing you are confused.

Experience is not the only teacher but it is also a question of your sense and sensibility. It is not by veneration and faith one accepts the wisdom of our forefathers that we need to contend with, truth being a relative term we need to sensitively understand circumstances and human predicaments. The modern world has its own unique problems and anxieties, doubts and uncertainties. Nothing can be interpreted or subjected of yesterday’s laws and governance. New applications and remedial explanations need to be found out to resolve issues.

The human brain is such a complex living pulsating entity, within its power rest the ‘Super Nature’. With the complexity of tender energy transmitted by nerves and neurons

The promise of reaching the abundance of peace and tranquillity lies here. The nourishment for it is the right attitude, sublime thoughts free from ego complexes of any kind. With the realization and enlightenment of God.

Mental stability comes by restraint both in thought and action. Any thing done in haste or decisions taken in haste may jeopardize life. It is by total awareness and reasoning that one should step up to combat personal problems. Crying over spilt milk is not the remedy; the solution is to explore where the milk booth is located and dash for fresh consignment. A happy childhood positively shows up in later adult life. The environmental aspects do play an important role. How many of us can ensure good life to our children? While providing alone will not suffice, we need to teach them right and tell them what is wrong. Show them through logic and reasoning that the correct path means less injury and the wrong to be inviting trouble. But not force any other conditional morality.

While there is a need for a certain code of conduct for adults, it is equally important that adults need to realize that they have much greater responsibility in passing on their values to successive filial generations.

Then let us try to define what is personality?

It is of great importance that we need to focus about a refined personality, casing it carefully and to nurture forever. In the first place, this task begins with the self. The challenge lies in cleansing oneself. This effort is not to impress others but a workout to excel. Be a true human being, showing reverence to God and loving the other fellow being as a neighbour, brother, sister, and so on. When we expect others to treat us in ever so many patterns and expect them not to hurt us, not to insult us, we should not by any way treat others with the same alacrity of mind, which we despise internally. Attitudinal problems are purely a private reservation. One should not accept problems originating from it and must not allow its impact to play havoc. One needs to be a team player respecting and achieving in togetherness. To stand by in moments of misfortune and fall, caring and doing what comes best within your power.

There is something incredible about the whales in the ocean. It carries itself in majestic tranquillity and calmness, with its huge size unperturbed and with utter nonchalance to the objects near to it. Whales communicate in a shrill whistle floating in the deep seas with the confidence of a king. Its personality is unique. There is an element of dignity and praise attached with animals for us to learn.

Senaca – has aptly said: ‘A clear conscience welcomes a crowd, but a bad conscience is disturbed and troubled even in solitude’ If the inner self is pure without impurities but distilled, transparent and clear the thoughts and actions flow without any hindrance. It requires no initiation, inspiration and is spontaneous. It has in its power to evaluate, measure a given situation pointedly without prejudice. No boundaries, barriers, external influences do not corrupt it for the strength is immeasurable.

To be rude and causing hurt to other people is to openly declare that somewhere something has gone berserk and out of control. The obvious cause is chronic personality

Problems of which may go back to the roots in their development cycle. It is astounding that even in the ripe old age, the diffidence with which people live is disparaging. The attitude is unacceptable. They become judgmental, fault finding, and unsympathetic towards the younger generations. But yet, they want others to care for them, treat them very well showing reverence and understanding. There is a natural code of conduct to everyone intelligible of age and acumen they have harvested. Sound mind and sound body as a matter of fact, need to be felt of its presence even during our last breathe and perhaps, even in the afterlife. The importance of it is enormous.

It is true, that some unique personality traits become visible from the birth. Although it sounds hypothetical, the fact remains that careful observation of children’s behaviour pattern varies astonishingly. If a study of children is made and tests are given so as to list the response we get to no the amazing revelations. The DNA and the Genes decides the personality traits unquestionably. God has created each flower bestowing its own aroma, which smells divine, but when mixed with other flowers smells odd and may loose its originality. Personality is one such corpus. The inherent merits alone have to glimmer emitting light, to be enshrined in the temple of Human embryo.

Deception, conceit, double standards will bring misery and suffering. All attitudes and dispositions are like viruses, Problems associated with the ego needs to be disowned, life and realities understood, acceptance of modesty and humility needs to be practiced. Life on Earth must go on with unhindered simplicity; only then we could have meaningful and worthy existence. Not looking at others with jaundiced eye, nor by claiming any superiority and showing self-complacency, but retaining patience and tolerance while dealing with others.

We have made our lives very complicated and seem to have an overwhelming psychological burden that is making our personal growth stunted. We need to unleash that awesome power of the universal force. We need to justify being the intelligent race ever born on this planet. We have a major task of reconstruction and work with intelligent caprice.
