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Academic and Administrative Asst

Management consists a large number of responsibilities and it often functions in almost areas including government and private organisations, institutions, industries etc. It has been nurturing in the field of Socio-Economic culture and the focal part of management system grade. What role has management taken in the functions of government segment is not only for establishing a particular organisation but also it is in the sense of civilizing the level of sophisticated management skills of human resources. It is certainly based on the quality of top-level management and their absolute mentorship. In fact, the training is derived from the nature of improvising the management level in an organisation. 


Organisations have been looking after the key functions of managing people, but on the other hand, we could see the role of individual or an independent nature for improving the character and their skills. Even though the totality of manpower in an organisation takes place the crux part of management and its function. Timeline factor is merely a composition of guidelines and formal systems. It should be on track with high quality of training and research. Moreover, the quality of leadership, sequence of directing, role of controlling, diligence of ethics and principles are the key functions in an organisation. The motive role of a manager may probably draw from each person’s effort, which merely disseminates the development of a team and preservation of teamwork in an organisation. Top-level management should strictly follow and uphold the exposition of corruption wherever discovered during the implementation of systems in an organisation. Never use any information coming to any manager or top-level management team confidentially n the performance of governmental duties as a means for making private profit. Management level should improve through the evasion of many possible things that should never discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favor or privileges to anyone. The essence of employment and pay are blowing in a single vessel and placing equal values at result.  


Evaluation of manpower has to implement as a system process and it may even projected as virtual communication. It could be helpful to dynamite the variation of assessment and improve the tradition of valuation method. Most of the typical approaches are happening in an organisation through the multi-functional method at a time manually, which may be impossible to resolve the problems easily. This kind of process should always be a liability to an organisation. The essential role of top or middle level management is to maintain their patience, attitude and capability of listening things positively and observe the matter in real sense even if there is many complications arise in an organisation. The progression of managing things is to be truly bureaucratic system in that particular organisation which should cover the relationship between all level management team within a boundary. One of the main roles in improving the management level is to assimilate problems by the employees and that is merely giving a virtual experience. Both quality of work and the effort to be taken for real outcome are the highlighting element of improving the management level in an organisation. These kind practices are very helpful to enable the consistency of successful outcome. It is indeed a mutual perceptiveness between management teams and members. Thus the success is born with whole legacy and it continues permanently.