Latest postings by Ganu R Ganesh
Word Swine Flu means an acute and highly contagious respiratory disease
of swine caused by the orthomyxovirus thought to be the same ...more>>
The emerging trends in Information Technology sector have considerable relevance for countries like India. In a state like Kerala Informat ...more>>
What the blaze is going on in our country? Is this our
fate to undergo all these experiments circula ...more>>
What enters into the preamble
of the role of a coach? How it is effective in the slice of sports and games?
What is the real indic ...more>>
Management consists a large number of responsibilities and
it often functions in almost areas including government and ...more>>
What will we do in the next
three months?
We’ll see once again
below that we’ve filled in and how some of the strategic plan might ...more>>
The Unthinkable Is Possible!
Think about it now. When are you at your most relaxed, happy,
funny, or chatty? I'll bet it's when you're w ...more>>
WHAT is Solitude? Is this distressing enormously in our life? What we need is time, when we get sufficient time, whi ...more>>
Internet has been always an oasis for me! It was something I could
splurge into, when ever I felt my life was in shambles! When ever I felt ...more>>
Natural dissatisfaction of all mankind isn’t peculiar to anyone. But the social cala ...more>>
V A L U E o f T I M E!
To realize the value of ONE YEARAsk the student who has failed a class.To realize the value of ONE MONTHAsk the mo ...more>>
Malayalam Language The
term ‘Malayalam’ as referring to the language of Kerala is of
comparatively recent origin. To begin with, i ...more>>