What the blaze is going on in our country? Is this our fate to undergo all these experiments circulate by our government or our responsibility to follow patriotically? How does it affect in our ordinary life and what remedy has to implement on these implicative systems? How to resolve these problems through practical hierarchy?
It is indeed descending frequently in the country with various complicated systems. What we need to think is that our government policies, which have taken up the unfit major rigid rules like wearing helmet and seat belt while we are using vehicles within the city. If we are using either bike or car, we can’t ride or drive as fast as we can, during the hectic traffic blocks and unlimited traffic signals inside the city. Meantime, it is very hard to wear a helmet during the summer season. Due to this unnecessary set of laws, it is very difficult to preserve our gifted hair as long-term duration. If we forget to bring helmet or put seat belt while we are on the way, definitely we will get a real outcome from traffic police. In fact, Traffic Police will be charging around one hundred to five hundred rupees for the same defaulting. Eventhough, that particular vehicle doesn’t have any clear updated paper, we do not need to pay any other charge whether we don’t have helmet. If people want their life security, they have right to do their own security and they will definitely do proper precaution for that. There is no need to question anyone’s responsible life. And ofcourse, no need to take any action from any department or government, as it concludes the human being’s freedom and peace of mind to live in this nation. Strict rules should definitely be there, but do not insist anyone without getting any proper and prompt upshot.
Secondly, there is an unwanted rule of banned smoking in public location. Infact, smoking sale and purchase have still been continuing in this nation. It has given a clear picture to become every gentleman to defaulters by using this habit as illegally. They can’t stop immediately. But these kinds of immediate rigid rules make them a real trespasser. Almost people may be stopped smoking infront of a shop, but they are still using these kinds of activities behind the clear white city.
Actually, all these systematic conditions are not only getting any perfect result, but many people have started thinking to resolve such kind of activities appearing in this nation. Great policy maker may not think simple things, but these causes to increase the useless promotions of government systems and provoke people to bring out their abdicable questions. Almost all systems are simply followed by the people, but generating new policies may take time to absorb and apply on every individual life cycle. Let people live with their own life style and do not disturb or interfere. Intellectual thinking fetches great impact on life. So please comment, SHOULD THESE STOP OR CONTINUE?