Who Is Ruling And Who Is Being Ruled?
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Who is ruling and who is being ruled?

Branch Manager
See interview of Gourav  Mahajan
15th August 2009, I woke up and started searching for newspapers to read the patriotic, funny and thought-provoking articles, it was quite evident that I was very happy and enthusiastic just like a kid to celebrate my country's independence day.

But when I caught hold of newspapers, all I could see was a news of a certain star who has been "detained" by US security officials at airport for 2 hours. So, I had to presume that this star is somehow bigger then everything else in our country.

Apparently this star has not made any developmental contribution for our country, but has made himself richer and richer by every passing year. His name has never been associated with any social and noble cause, he has never opened any orphanage or was seen helping our poor countrymen.

Then why this ho-halla for his security checking?

Did he travel to USA for the first time?

My friend visited USA the same month and she is not a muslim and was properly checked too and she was laughing at the whole drama created by this star.

Some people pointed out that sometime back our respectable former president Dr. Abdul Kalam Azad was also frisked at US airport and same thing happened with Mr. Narendra Modi. Did we hear any news like this that time? Well I didn't.

Some other people also raised up a point that this star is producing a movie based on the same old plot of muslim harassment after 9/11, which is sold to Fox Entertainment at a whopping price of 100 crores and this act was a free publicity stunt to promote the movie and to gain some extra bonus in the form of sympathy from our star-struck countrymen.

Some people kept their stand being hardcore blind fans of that star, that he needs no publicity and US shouldn't have treated the Global Indian Icon like this. They forced me to think on the definition of "Global Indian Icon" though.

It is clearly visible that today our country is being ruled by MEDIA and POLITICS, but now they have also started ruling our mindsets.

The name KHAN evokes the sense of urgency in the minds of US people for a specific reason, that the people responsible for that attack had the same surname, can we change that fact? If US had been attacked by a Gupta, Sharma or Mahajan, same kind of thing would have happened with me.

Should we make an issue of that? No, because we should be emphathetic towards US people who lost their 7000 countrymen in that attack, so what if we Indians forget the pain of those families who lose their kids in attacks which happen almost every year in our country, by just lighting up some candles near India Gate and listening to "sympathetic" speeches of our politicians.

Do we expect US to do the same? I appreciate US that they have not forgotten that day and taking every possible step to prevent the same. That is why they have been living a safe life since that day, and God bless them in future too

Let's do ourselves a favor by asking a simple question. After almost an year of Mumbai Terror Attack, how much pain is still left inside our hearts for those who couldn't see the sun of next morning.

I salute US people for their feelings towards those who died, as they are still making conscious efforts to frisk every TOM, DICK and HARRY to make sure that he is not responsible for another attack on their loved ones.

Anyone can plant a bomb in ISBT stations in New Delhi very easily and take lives of your families, because their is nothing on the name of security, even the security personnels who are standing there are so fat to catch anyone. What a mockery of our sentiments.

Just 2 hours of that star are not precious then the lives of people living in the country where he goes to earn dollors. Shame on that star to behave like a cry baby and not appreciating the fact that US people are not ready to leave any stone unturned to assure the safety of their countrymen.

If they can frisk a CM and former president of a nation, then where does this star stand? For me he is just an entertainer who gets overpaid and moreover he thinks that dancing in a foriegn marriage is more important then attending social events in his own country. Then why should he be given VIP treatment?

The fault is not his if he is expecting a royal treatment everywhere he goes, the fault lies on our shoulder that we don't know who deserves what treatment and we make KINGS out of people who don't even deserve to be BEGGERS.

Now a question arises that what kind of image of our country are we portraying infront of Global arena?

It was our independence day and our newspapers and money starved media was busy in serving this crap to world, and our responsible politicians started giving interviews (who didn't speak anything when mumbai attack happened, Ambika, were you watching DDLJ at that time?). World must be laughing at us right now.

I still remember that day when few months back I was hanging around with some of my friends in Rajouri Garden PVR in Delhi.

Security Guard at the checking point frisked me and my friends, but let one man and his family pass the gate without frisking...

I asked him the reason behind this act of his, he said "Sahab, area ka MLA hai."

I asked him if he is ready to take the responsibility if i complain this act to authorities and is he ready to take the guarantee of this man that he can't plant a bomb there.

Security Guard called the man back and frisked him properly.

This money and status are the main culprits, We have to show them their real face and let us tell them that they are the common man just like those who were killed in mumbai attacks.

The funniest part of the whole drama is that now this star is calling up press conferences to justify his statements by contradicting them one by one and portraying himself as the savior of whole muslim community.

Where was he when muslims all the over the world were facing the worst discrimination by other communities for every terror attack. Just because it has happened to him now, he is being over-vocal now.

Are we ready to lose our self-respect on the cost of some good-for-nothing celebs crying over their own hurt ego? And moreover, are we ready to lose our family members just because some people start questioning the whole security system when they are frisked by security personnel?

Let's think for a while guys, where are we going, where are we standing, what kind of people are ruling us, and are we ready to be ruled by them?

2010 is not far, our enemies are getting ready to attack us once again.....What are we doing?