As You Get Older, The Cost Of Travel Insurance Does Rise
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As you get older, the cost of travel insurance does rise

According to some travel reports and studies, one of the biggest age ranges to consistently go travelling are the over 65’s, with more time on their hands due to retirement and usually more disposable income as the children have left home and the mortgage is normally lower or fully paid off.

Many over 65’s who wish to go travelling face the same battle – finding cheap travel insurance.

As you get older, the cost of travel insurance does rise, usually because it is seen as a higher risk due to medical conditions and the risk of injury when you are entering your retirement years. For many, this seems unfair, but insurance is based on statistics, which means that if your travel insurance company has stats to indicate you are a greater risk, then your insurance will often be higher.

There are however specialist over 65 travel insurance companies that can offer cheaper premiums and cover, so it can be well worth shopping around or changing your insurer if you find that this year your quote is much higher than previously.
