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Managing Director

Hi everyone,

I am sorry for not being in touch for a long time. As promised, i am back with some more exciting stuff. This time i would like to share some of my knowledge with you. I had some frustrating experiences in last few days. I had a look around and i thought why most of the people act in the same way as they should not be acting. I found what rules are affecting our daily life (personal and professional). I would love to share some of my thoughts which i learned from my experiences.

Take a look at what i noticed:

- Most of our achievement and happiness takes place in very less amount of our time and these peaks can be expanded greatly.

- Our lives are profoundly affected, for good and bad, by a few events and a few decisions. The few decisions are often taken by itself rather than conscious choice: we let life happen to us rather than shaping our own lives. We let others to run our life rather than we should run our own lives. We can improve our lives drastically by recognizing and understading the turning points and making the decisions that will make us happy and productive. We can most probably get the result if we identify those opportunities correctly.

- Everyone can achieve something significant. The key is not effort,but finding the right thing to achieve. You are hugely more productive specifically at some things than at others and by utilising those qualities, skills and effectiveness of those specific thing/things we can achieve our desired outcomes.

- There are always winners and losers. You can be a winner by choosing the right competition, the right team and the right methods to win. You are more likely to win by attracting and bringing the posibilities or advantage in your favour (legitimately and fairly) than by striving to improve your performance. You are more likely to win again where you have won before. You are more likely to win when you are focused about the races you enter.

- Most of our failures are in races are because others choose us to enter. race. Most of our successes come from races we ourselves want to enter. We fail to win most races because we enter too many of the wrong ones: their ones, not our ones.

- Few people take many objectives really seriously. They put average effort into too many things, rather than focusing on and putting efforts in few important things. People who achieve the most are selective as well as determined.

- Most people spend most of their time on activities that are of low value to themselves and probably to achieve others' targets. Some people escapes this trap and can achieve much more of the few higher-value objectives without noticeably more effort.

- One of the most important decisions someone can make in life is their choice of allies. Almost nothing can be achieved without allies. Most people do not choose their allies carefully or even at all. The allies somehow arrive. This is a serious case of letting life happen to you. Most people have the wrong allies. Most also have too many and do not use them properly. Some smart thinkers choose a few allies carefully and build the alliances carefully to achieve their specific objectives.

- An extreme case of carelessness with allies is picking the wrong ‘significant other’ or life partner. Most people have too many friends and do not enjoy appropriately withing their circle. Many people have the wrong life partners and on the other hand some people having right life partner do not nurture properly.

- Money used rightly can be a source of opportunity to shift to a better lifestyle. Few people know how to multiply money and as long as financial wealth is related to lifestyle and happiness, there is no harm or bad in having this skill.

- Most of the people do not spend enough time and thought cultivating their own happiness. They seek indirect goals, like money, award and promotion etc., that may be necessary to attain but it usually costs huge loss of happiness and satisfaction. Happiness is not money, it is not even Eke money. Money not spent can be saved and invested and, through the magic of compound interest and through attractive financial schemes, it is multiplied. But happiness not spent today does not lead to happiness tomorrow. Happiness saved today can not be doubled in certain time period like Fixed deposits or happiness saved today doesn't give dividend at regular interval according to market condition. Happiness is like the mind and body which can atrophy/paralyse if not exercised. Some people know what generates their happiness and seek it consciously, cheerfully and intelligently, using happiness today to build and multiply happiness tomorrow.

I hope you like it.

As your feedbacks are important to me, please let me know your views and ideas on this article. Also, do try to read my other blogs.

I welcome you to join my network.

take care.
