How To Smoke Meat: Different Methods
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How to Smoke Meat: Different Methods

Smoking meat is a slow process done with low, indirect heat and the smoke somewhat contained with the meat inside the chamber make the meat incredibly delicious. There are other three stages which can be used for smoking include curing or bringing the type of forms part of the drying process. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to you to obtain flavor enhancement.

Smoked meat for sudden consumption through barbecuing is an old process. Cooking a roast this way anytime using slow cook with a low and indirect heat is the nice idea. Using this process make the meat more flavorful melting off the bone. Smoking meat is also done to preserve the meat for longer period of time and this can be done using two ways including cold and hot. Cold smoking does not involve heat and hot smoking does. However, if you want to cure the meat then should adopt hot smoking. Cold smoked meat is hung in a smoker by generating in a separate area so that to check the temperature of the chamber between 75 and 120 degrees.

The cold process is much time taking since this method does not use heat particularly relies on the smoke penetrating the meat over time. Cold smoked meat is found bit saltier since using brine is necessary to cure the meat. Use of brine even can help even out the seasoning flavor. This type of process can be used for smoking all kinds of meats.

As far as hot smoking in concerned, it takes less time to complete and is done in a temperature range of 140 to 200 degrees. This type of smoking is typically not cured before hand, but might be little brined for getting the real flavor. The meat cooked using this process is more cooked than dried which it does not hold long life as cold smoking does.

Both the process can be used for smoking all types of meat. For both smoking processes, the meat is usually dried on the surface before smoking. Both the process helps the meat to prevent from insects from attacking.

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