Website SEO Commitment
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Website SEO Commitment

Many clients ask me what it takes to achieve a top ranking on search engines. The process of organic search engine optimization (Website SEO) is subjective. First, it is important to mention that this process requires both a time and financial commitment. It can take 4 to 6 months to see results with a website SEO campaign while other internet marketing strategies may be achieved more quickly. It also requires a decent monthly investment. However, in my experience search engine optimization offers the best return on investment.

This is because most other internet marketing channels use the strategy of “get in front of the consumer and hope they bite”. SEO however is different. When a consumer searches for something on the internet, it is often because they are in some stage of the buying process. Whether it is just looking for preliminary information or they are comparing prices, they are in the buying process. The great thing about SEO is if done successfully, your website is appearing right at the top of that search for the keyword the customer used. This means, that unlike other marketing strategies, you have the chance to impress upon a customer who has the intent to make a purchase of the product or service you sell.

It is for that reason that website SEO has the best return on investment. I’d like to note again, however, that this marketing process requires a commitment. To be successful, a business will have to invest in several months to the process and see little results. The 4 to 6 month waiting period is because we are at the mercy of the search engine as we wait for them to recognize our significance throughout the web. It is important to remember that this process is a subjective science. Once you achieve your goals of first page placement, you will have to continue to work with an SEO expert indefinitely. This is because of you stop the SEO process you will likely loose your placement as you competitors make adjustments to their sites and search engines constantly change their algorithms that identify websites to place.

So, be sure to discuss the commitment needed from you with your SEO expert before beginning the process so that you understand the time and financial burden you can expect to face and then weigh that against the results you can expect the receive.

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