Good Virtualization Requires Good Management Tools!
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Good Virtualization Requires Good Management Tools!

Marketing at Softbridge

Virtualization indicates technologies that are responsibleto provide a layer of generalization between computer hardware components and thesoftware they are using. Integrating the physical and virtual environment is themain constraint of Virtualization. It provides a logical view of IT componentsand resources rather than giving just physical infrastructure view. On singlemachine you can run multiple operating systems simultaneously. This also allowsyou to trick your operating system as group of servers is a single pool of ITresources.

Managing virtualization is a great challenge for ITorganizations and it needs some specific tools to manage it! Efficiency ofvirtualization is depending upon how effectively tools that manages it. Goodmanagement of virtualization is more important than not using virtualization infirst stage. To gain profitability, you can unify your physical and virtualworlds, using Virtual Management techniques.

With virtualization, you gain complete control of yourvirtual environments by consistently leveraging the processes, policies,people, and tools from your physical environment. You save on manpower as wellas TCO through virtualization speedily, reliably, and cost-effectively. Ithelps tame our complexity of virtualization through mainly three ways VirtualLifecycle Management, Virtual Performance Management and Virtual ComplianceManagement.

Virtual Lifecycle Management gives complete visibility ofdeployed virtual machines and builds policy-based control of VM provisioning,move, change, and retirement processes Whereas Virtual Performance Management monitorsand optimizes service performance to meet service level objectives and so youdelight your customers. Virtual Compliance Management defines VM configurationpolicies and enforces them using a common set of tools and processes acrossboth virtual and physical infrastructures.

Virtualization is inevitable, but are organizations managingit with proper tools? Are they at the position where they were supposed to be? Industryexpert says, “As per management requirements for virtualization, somemanagement processes are definitely became easier, such as disaster recovery,business continuity and availability management. With virtualization, you canquickly move failing systems or failing applications from one machine toanother. It will definitely provide us with very high availability of resources.It can be very speedy and very simple to provision software onto new systems, sovery good for things like application provisioning and software distribution.”

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Priya Khopade
Vyom Labs Pvt Ltd.

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