Amir Khan Advocates Earth hour
Earth Hour
EARTH HOUR is regularly organized by WWF in which several countries participates worldwide, but unfortunately INDIA, so far, did not participated in it. This time we need to show the world that we are equally concerned about the Gloabal Warming and that we can make difference too. All we need to do is just to switch of all the lights and electrical appliances just for an hour. It’s not another protest, but just a little step to SAVE the EARTH from global warming.
Another one of the stunts of the Western World.
The whole year through they will guzzle energy.
Then for one hour in a year, they will show to the world that they care for the environment.
Just like the Father's Day and Mother's Day which they observe one day in a year and forget them for the rest of the year.
It is better if you save energy throughout the year.
The West will emit the maximum carbon and expect others to reduce it.
Former US President was the greatest culprit.
Use low wattage lamps where it is feasible.
Switch off lights and fans when you leave the rooms.
Use smaller cars and pool cars where it is possible.
Practise this throughout the year instead of just one hour per year.
Shut off water flowing uselessly through taps.
If our government was serious, they should arrange to provide CFL lamps at about 2 to 3 times the price of an incandescent lamp and not at 5 to 6 times
We Indians are frugal not by choice but because we have no choice.
But for those who can afford there is no frugality.
If you watch the street lights being kept on up to 9.00 am, you would never guess that there was an energy crisis.

Another one of the stunts of the Western World.
The whole year through they will guzzle energy.
Then for one hour in a year, they will show to the world that they care for the environment.
Just like the Father's Day and Mother's Day which they observe one day in a year and forget them for the rest of the year.
It is better if you save energy throughout the year.
The West will emit the maximum carbon and expect others to reduce it.
Former US President was the greatest culprit.
Use low wattage lamps where it is feasible.
Switch off lights and fans when you leave the rooms.
Use smaller cars and pool cars where it is possible.
Practise this throughout the year instead of just one hour per year.
Shut off water flowing uselessly through taps.
If our government was serious, they should arrange to provide CFL lamps at about 2 to 3 times the price of an incandescent lamp and not at 5 to 6 times
We Indians are frugal not by choice but because we have no choice.
But for those who can afford there is no frugality.
If you watch the street lights being kept on up to 9.00 am, you would never guess that there was an energy crisis.