Swine Flu: IT-BPO Companies Put On High Alert
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Swine flu: IT-BPO companies put on high alert

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The swine flu outbreakhas forced the IT-BPO companies here to issue travel advisories to theiremployees. The epidemic crossed new borders on Tuesday, with the first casesconfirmed in West Asia and the Asia-Pacific regions, even as the number ofdeaths in Mexico crossed the 150-mark, according to reports.

India’s largest BPO, Genpact, has taken measures to protect its employees inMexico against the H1N1 swine influenza. “Genpact would like to confirm thatthe State of Chihuahua, where its Mexico operations are based, has not detectedany case of infection or death from the H1N1 swine influenza, designated as aPublic Health Emergency of International Concern by WHO,” said the company in acommunication to its Mexico employees.

“The Genpact team in Latin America has moved swiftly to educate employees aboutthe outbreak. The company has requested employees suffering from fever, cough,diarrhoea or vomiting to seek medical assistance immediately and stay at home.Optimum cleanliness levels are also being maintained in the company’spremises,” said the statement.

India’s second-largest IT services provider, Infosys Technologies, which had221 employees located in Mexico at the end of the fourth quarter of FY09, hassaid that none of the company's employees in Mexico has been affected by theflu. The company has not issued any travel advisory to its employees.

“We are closely monitoring the situation. In the event of a an outbreak we willwork with our customers and employees at onsite locations to take the necessaryaction,” a company spokesperson said. Infosys has close to 12,000 peoplelocated in Americas, including Mexico.

India’s third largest IT company, Wipro, said the company was in the process ofissuing required travel advisories.
